Loading a TEDS Demo Signal (TEDS)

This procedure shows you how to load a TEDS demo signal: Normal Downlink, 25kHz, 16QAM. With this demo signal, you can review the measurement setup and experiment with the VSA settings, and then adapt the settings to your actual TEDS signal.

  1. Preset the 89600 VSA by clicking File > Preset > Preset Setup

  2. From the Menu bar, select File > Recall > Recall Recording.

  3. Navigate to the demo file: %ProgramFiles%\89600 VSA Software <ReleaseVersion>\89600 VSA Software\Help\Signals\TEDS\TEDS_NUB_50k_16Q.sdf

    This is a recording of TEDS Normal Uplink slot format, 50kHz channel bandwidth, and Modulation Type 16QAM

  4. Click Open

  5. Click the Restart button for the recording (far-left icon on the VSA toolbar).

    You can use the toolbar to select operations such as Restart, Pause/Single, or Record.

To configure the 89600 VSA at the same time as recalling the demo signal, use the File > Recall > Recall Demo feature instead.

See Also

TEDS Demod Overview

Typical TEDS Measurements