Overlaid IQ Phase Error (TEDS)

Overlaid IQ Phase Error shows IQ phase error for all the TEDS subcarriers corresponding to your Channel Bandwidth setting, on a symbol-by-symbol basis. Each vertical line represents a symbol. The number of symbols (vertical lines) is determined by the slot format selected. These lines are overlaid with a white line that shows the average IQ phase error per symbol (LinMag scale only). The trace below is a Normal Uplink, 50kHz channel bandwidth, 16QAM modulation signal. The 31 colored vertical lines (0 to 30) represent the 31 symbols in a Normal Uplink slot format. Each line contains the 16 subcarriers corresponding to the 50kHz channel bandwidth. See TEDS Subcarriers for more information on the number of subcarriers for each channel bandwidth.

Select Trace > Auto Scale to scale the trace. If the trace shows NO DATA, check your recorded signal or hardware input and your TEDS demod properties. TEDS demod parameters Droop and Pilot Tracking affect this trace.

Select Markers > Show Marker to place a marker on the trace; then review the symbol information in the marker readout window. Once you have a marker on the trace, use your up, down, left, and right arrow keyboard keys to move the marker through the symbol points.

IQ phase error refers to the difference in the measured phase for an IQ phasor versus the phase of the ideal (reference) phasor.

To view IQ phase error for a specified subcarrier, see IQ Phase Error (Ch1 Subcarr).

See Also

About TEDS Trace Data