Raw Main Time (TEDS)

The Raw Main Time (Ch1) trace shows the raw data from the input hardware or playback file. Because this raw data does not have time corrections applied, the trace indicator shows CAL?. While similar to the Main Time trace, the raw main time data does not go through the software resampling filters and thus shows exactly the samples that are saved without filtering applied or settling removed.

The image above is two bursts of a Normal Uplink, 50kHz channel bandwidth, 16QAM modulation signal. Each burst has a 14.167msec slot length. For the Normal Downlink slot format, the raw main time trace is continuous while the Normal Uplink, Random Access, and Control Uplink slot formats show the propagation delay segments.

Select Trace > Auto Scale to scale the trace. To learn more about setting the Main Time parameters, see MeasSetup > Time. To change the time scale, see Trace > X Scale.

See Also

About TEDS Trace Data