Spectrum Rate Indicator

The Spectrum Rate indicator displays the speed at which measurements are being made. This indicator is optionally displayed on the status bar just to the left of the Reference status indicator.

This indicator is applicable to Power Spectrum Measurements and Vector measurements. The value is calculated by summing up the measurement span of all channels of all currently running measurements and dividing by the time taken to perform the measurements. The time taken for the measurements starts when data acquisition is armed and lasts until all the results are available.

If you hover your mouse over the indicator, a tooltip displays the result in terms of Measurement Loop Time, i.e., how many seconds does it take to do one measurement loop.

The Spectrum Rate indicator is not displayed, by default. To display the Spectrum Rate indicator:

  1. Click Utilities > Display Preferences.
  2. Select the Show spectrum rate indicator check box.
The Spectrum Rate indicator is not displayed after you preset the display preferences or do a Preset All.


See Also

Error and Status Messages