Error Vector Spec (802.11b/g DSSS/CCK/PBCC)
When 802.11b/g DSSS Direct sequence spread spectrum. The data transmission scheme (sometimes referred to as a "'modulation" scheme) used in 802.11b WLANs. DSSS uses a radio transmitter operating at a fixed centre frequency, but using a relatively broad range of frequencies, to spread data transmissions over a fixed range of the frequency band. 802.11a and 802.11g (when not operating in 802.11b mode) use Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)./CCK complementary code keying/PBCC packet binary convolutional code Demodulation is enabled, the trace shows the spectrum of the trace. In other words, the VSA derives the trace, then windows and FFTs this trace to produce the trace.
The VSA's demodulator removes carrier-frequency error. Therefore, in the symbol table.
display, add the carrier-frequency error to marker readouts to obtain exact frequency information. The carrier-frequency error (Freq Err) is shown in theThe center frequency and span for IQ Measured Time.
is identical to . For details, seeSee Also