Remove Equalizer Phase Ramp (802.11n/ac/ax/be)

When the Remove Equalizer Phase Ramp check box is selected, the VSA normalizes the phase and phase ramp of each stream/channel frequency response separately (not normalized to the Stream1 Channel 1 frequency response).

Selected: The phase and phase ramp are normalized individually.

Cleared: The phase and phase ramp are normalized to the Stream1 Channel 1 frequency response.

When the check box is cleared, the average phase of the Stream1 Channel 1 frequency response is subtracted from all corresponding frequency responses (Stream1 Ch2, Stream2 Ch1 and so on). This preserves any phase difference between the different frequency responses, but the normalization of the frequency responses makes the average phase of Stream1 Channel 1 equal to zero. Similarly, the phase ramp is normalized, which preserves the relative phase ramp (relative time delay) between frequency responses but makes the Stream1 Channel 1 phase ramp equal to zero.

When the check box is selected, each frequency response is normalized separately so the average phase and phase ramp of each is equal to zero. The relative phase and relative phase ramp between frequency responses is lost, but this enables easier comparison of remaining phase responses.

Only the display of the equalizer channel frequency response and equalizer impulse response are affected. The actual equalizer used in demodulation is not affected.

See Also

Advanced Tab

802.11n/ac/ax/be Demod Properties