Track Amplitude (802.11n/ac/ax/be)

When Track Amplitude is selected, the VSA applies pilot subcarrier amplitude error correction to the pilot and data subcarriers. When selected, the Common Pilot Error trace will show the amplitude tracking in the magnitude portion of the trace.

In 802.11n/ac/ax/be modulation, pilot carriers (which transmit a known sequence) are embedded in the signal and enable some kinds of impairments to be removed or "tracked out."

An average of the phase and amplitude error over all pilot carriers is shown in the Common Pilot Error trace.

Several pilot tracking functions can be individually switched on and off in the demodulation performed by the VSA. This is a very useful troubleshooting approach, since modulation results can be examined with and without the benefit of each type of tracking.

See Also

802.11n/ac/ax/be Demod Properties

Advanced Tab

Pilot Tracking