LTF Duration (802.11n/ac/ax/be)

LTF Long Training field Duration is used in the 802.11ax/be standard to set the symbol duration by means of compression to optimize performance for the scenario. The HE (802.11ax) Physical Layer provides support for 3.2us (1x LTF), 6.4us (2x LTF), and 12.8us (4x LTF) LTF symbol durations. The EHT (802.11be) Physical Layer provides support for 6.4us (2x LTF), and 12.8us (4x LTF) LTF symbol durations.The LTF Duration group box is only visible when an 802.11ax/be standard format is selected.

See Also

Format Tab

802.11n/ac/ax/be Demod Properties