Time (802.11n/ac/ax/be)

The Time trace shows the time record before digital demodulation and after pulse search, as shown in the following block diagram (refer to the Digital Demodulation Block Diagram).


The amount of data included in the Time trace display is a function of the Result Length, Measurement Interval and Measurement Offset parameters. The following topics describe how these parameters affect the Time trace data:

Time Trace Data and the Result Length parameters

The following are descriptions of the Time trace behavior, which depends on the Result Length parameters. This is the behavior when Measurement Interval is set to maximum (same as Maximum Result Length or manually specified value) and Measurement Offset is zero.

For more information about how the Result Length parameters determine the measurement result length, see Result Length Parameters.

Time Trace Data and the Measurement Interval/Offset parameters

The following are descriptions of the Time trace behavior, which also depends on the Measurement Interval and Offset parameters.

For more information about how Measurement Interval and Measurement Offset determine the measurement result length data, refer to Measurement Interval and Offset.

Time Trace data and Averaging

Time trace data is unaffected by Time averaging.

See Also

Available Trace Data (802.11n/ac/ax/be)