Combine TDM channels for composite results (1xEV-DO)

Default: Cleared (See 1xEV-DO Standard Setups/Presets Table.) 

When the Combine TDM channels for composite results parameter is selected, the composite trace data results will include the combined data from all forward direction TDM time division multiplexing burst: A contiguous portion of a TDM data stream using PHY parameters, determined by the Downlink Interval Usage Code (DIUC), that remain constant for the duration of the burst. TDM bursts are not separated by gaps or preambles. channels. This parameter overrides the Analysis Channel parameter setting.

Selected: The composite trace data results include data from the combined TDM channels (Data channel, MAC (Medium Access Control: In most wired and wireless networks, a mthod is used to control how and when a device can transmit data over the communications link. This is the network's Medium Access Control scheme. The MAC protocol operates within the Data Link layer (Layer 2) of the ISO OSI 7 layer Model. The IEEE 802.11 standard, for example, specifies the MAC protocol for sharing of the wireless medium, packet formats, addressing, eror detection and recovery following errors., Pilot and Preamble channels).

Cleared: The composite trace data results only include data for the TDM channel specified by the Analysis Channel parameter (Meas Setup > 1xEV-DO Demod Properties > Format tab).

The Combine TDM channels for composite results parameter only applies to the Composite trace data results. This parameter does not affect CDP trace data results.

See Also

Advanced Tab (1xEV-DO Demod Properties)

1xEV-DO Demod Properties