Comp IQ Mag Error and IQ Phase Error (1xEVDO)

When 1xEV-DO Demodulation is enabled, the Comp IQ Mag Error and Comp IQ Phase Error trace data show the error between the I/Q measured and the I/Q reference signals for the composite signal.

Comp IQ Mag Error shows the magnitude error and Comp IQ Phase Error shows the phase error for the composite signal.

Composite, forward link, trace data results are computed from the first measured slot. Composite, reverse link, trace data results are computed from the first measured half (0.5) slot. The Measurement Interval and Measurement Offset parameters have no effect on this measurement.


This trace data is determined just like it is for the IQ Mag Error and IQ Phase Error trace data for Digital Demodulation, see IQ Mag Error and IQ Phase Error (Digital Demod).

For forward link measurements, the segment of the signal included in the trace data depends on the Analysis Channel and Combine TDM channels for composite results parameter settings.

For forward link measurements, the trace background annotation indicates what segment of the 1xEV-DO frame is being analyzed. You can change he trace display colors from the Display Preferences > Color tab.

See Also

Channel 1 Comp Trace Data

About Trace Data (1xEV-DO)