Overall IQ Offset (1xEV-DO)

Overall IQ Offset (also called I/Q origin offset) indicates the magnitude of the carrier feedthrough signal. When there is no carrier feedthrough, IQ offset is zero (-infinity dB) (forward direction only).

This parameter is the same as the digital demod IQ Offset except that the source data is the Overall 1 and Overall 2 data regions. See Digital Demod IQ Offset for further information about this parameter.

Preamble Channel Data

You can select to NOT include the Preamble data in the Overall trace data results with the Preamble - Include in overall results demodulation property (MeasSetup > 1xEV-DO Demod Properties > Advanced tab).

Overall 1 data results apply to the Overall 1 measurement data and Overall 2 data results apply to the Overall 2 measurement data.



See Also

About Ch1 Overall Trace Data