Channel 1 Overall Trace data (1xEV-DO)

These are the Error Summary data results for the Overall 1 and Overall 2 measurement data.

This data is only available for "forward link" measurements.


Preamble Channel Data

You can select to include (or not to include) the Preamble data in the Overall trace data results with the Preamble - Include in overall results demodulation property (MeasSetup > 1xEV-DO Demod Properties > Advanced tab).

Overall 1 and Overall 2 Error Summary Data (forward link direction only)

The following data results apply for both the Overall 1 and Overall 2 measurement data:


EVM (Error Vector Magnitude)

Mag Err (Magnitude Error)

Phase Err (Phase Error)

Freq Err (Frequency Error)

IQ Offset

Additional Error Summary Data

See Also

About Trace Data (1xEV-DO)

Channel 1 Trace Data

Channel 1 CDP Trace Data

Channel 1 Chan Trace Data

Channel 1 Comp Trace Data