Chapter 10 File Management

The FieldFox can save any of the following types of files:



In addition, files can be saved to the internal memory, a USB Flash drive, or a standard SD card.


In this Chapter

“Save Files”

“Recall Files”

“Move (Copy) Files”

“Set File Type and Select Device”

“Manage Files”

“Manage Folders”

“Edit Keywords”

“Prefixes and Suffixes for Filenames”

See also:
“Erase User Data”

Saving and Recalling Files


FieldFox State files are intended to be recalled on the same instrument model on which they were saved. Sometimes you may able to recall them within model families. An error will result when trying to recall a state file that was saved on a different model family.


The FieldFox model families are:

Save Files

How to Save a File

  1. Press Save/Recall 9
  2. Then Save
  3. At the top of the current ‘labeler’ screen (see following image) check the File Type to save and Device (Internal, USB, Storage Card) to which the file is saved. Learn how to change these settings in “Set File Type and Select Device”.
  4. Then use the labeler to specify a filename.


If you are having difficulty saving to a USB flash drive, it may be a timing issue. The turn-around time for “file open, write data, file close” to a USB drive is much longer than to FieldFox’s internal memory.  Alternative methods are:


  • Save your content to the FieldFox’s internal memory; and then move your files off to a USB flash drive using FTP SCPI programming. Refer to "Move (Copy) Files" and to the FieldFox :MMEM SCPI commands in the  Programming Guide (via FieldFox Manuals, Firmware, Software and Product Support).


  • Save your data to the FieldFox’s internal memory, then move the data to a PC using a binary block transfer, and delete the data from the FieldFox’s internal memory. An example for transferring an image to a PC, via FieldFox Programming Guide (via FieldFox Manuals, Firmware, Software and Product Support).


Please note that the receiving computer program needs to be able to handle the binary block transfer.


See also  What Should I Do If My USB Flash Drive Could Not Be Recognized by FieldFox? - Technical Support Knowledge Center Open ( .



Insert only ONE USB flash drive in the FieldFox when saving or copying files.

Saving MATLAB Files


If you have Option 351 I/Q Analyzer option, you can directly save your data as MATLAB files (*.mat). Refer to Chapter 11, “IQ Analyzer (IQA) – Option 351 (CPU2 Only)”, in the C-Series N9915-90020 (Unabridged) User's Guide.


If you have the FieldFox’s Remote Server mode (89600 VSA software connectivity), you can use the VSA software to capture and record your data as MATLAB files (*.mat). Learn more about FieldFox and 89600 VSA software, refer to Chapter , “Remote Server Mode (Requires CPU2 and SA Hardware/SA Option 233)”, in the C-Series N9915-90020 (Unabridged) User's Guide and to


Figure 10-1 I/Q Analyzer Mode (IQA) MATLAB File Save


Figure 10-2 VSA Software MATLAB File Save


How to use the FieldFox Labeler

The FieldFox labeler is used to edit or change the current filename. It is also used for many other labeling functions, such as creating a title, prefix, and keyword to display on the FieldFox screen. Learn about Titles in “How to Manage files”.




You can select either an ABC or Qwerty style keyboard. Refer to “Alpha Numeric Editing”.


The preselected keywords (File, Site, and so forth) can be selected just like a single character. These keywords can also be edited. Learn more in “Edit Keywords”.


Figure 10-3 The FieldFox Labeler


In the graphic above, the current filename is File_0. The cursor is on the custom DTF_VSWR keyword. The file will be saved to USB (flash drive). File Type is “Trace + State” (Instrument State).

How to move the cursor

When the current filename is complete

Recall Files

The FieldFox can recall State files, Trace + State files, and image files.

State Files

ALL FieldFox instrument settings for ALL Modes are saved and recalled in a *.sta file. If error correction is ON in CAT or NA Mode, then calibration data is also saved and recalled.


If error correction is OFF (CalRdy is active), calibration data is NOT saved in the *.sta file. When a Trace + State file is recalled on a FieldFox other than the one it was saved on, differences in the CalRdy calibration data may result in differences between the displayed traces.

Image Files

The FieldFox can open and display *.png, *.jpg, and *.jpeg images.

How to Recall a File



Before recalling a file, first Select the Device and Location from which the file will be recalled. See the following section for more information.


  1. Press Save/Recall 9
  2. Then Recall File or Enter
  3. Navigate to the file to be recalled using the Up/Down arrow keys ().
  1. Then Recall File or Enter.
  2.  Cancel to cancel recall file and return to the previous menu.

Move (Copy) Files

The FieldFox can Move files (i.e., including Trace + State files, and image files).

How to move a file

  1. Press Save/Recall 9
  2. Then  Device  to be copied from (i.e., Internal, SD, or USB). Refer to “Set File Type and Select Device”.
  3. Then More > Manage Files > Select Files   
  4. Navigate to the file(s) to be copied using the Up/Down arrow keys () or the knob.
  5. Then  Copy
  6. Select the destination device using the softkeys:
  1. Use the close folder icon or the open folder icon to locate the target folder for your files.
  2. Then  Do Copy  copies files to selected location and FieldFox displays a confirmation message of a successful file copy.
  3. Cancel to cancel copy file and return to the previous menu.

Set File Type and Select Device

The following File TYPE and DEVICE settings are used to determine the type of file to save, and the location to be used for all file operations.

These two settings remain through an instrument preset, but are reset to the default values when the FieldFox power is shutdown.

Select Device (location of File Save/Recall)

  1. Press Save/Recall 9
  2. Then Device to set the LOCATION where the file is to be saved, recalled, or moved. Choose from the following:



Insert only ONE USB Flash Drive in the FieldFox when saving or copying files.

How to set File Type

  1. Press Save/Recall 9
  2. Then File Type. Choose one of the following:



When using RTSA, the Density Spectrum information is not saved using Trace+State. Only the last displayed trace settings is saved.


About SNP Files

The SNP file includes header information, and the following data:



> Display formats

In CAT Mode, S1P files are always Magnitude (dB) / Phase (angle) format.


In NA Mode:



> What Data Processing functions are included in saved SNP Data:

In NA Mode, the data processing functions (such as trace math) that are included in the SNP data depends on a Preference setting. Click System, then Preferences, then Preferences, then scroll to NA, SNP File Save, then select from the following:


See the FieldFox data processing chain by referring to the FieldFox Supplemental Online Help (via FieldFox Manuals, Firmware, Software and Product Support). Learn more about System Preferences in “Preferences”.

Manage Files

Files that are stored in the FieldFox internal memory, standard SD card, and USB Flash drive, can be copied to another device or deleted.

How to Manage files

  1. Press Save/Recall 9
  2. Then Device to select the location (Internal, USB, or standard SD Card) of the file to copy or delete.



When selecting Internal, it may also be necessary to first select Manage Folders to specify an active folder which contains the files to copy or delete. Refer to “Manage Folders”.


  1. Then More > Manage Files
  2. Then choose from the following:



Copy can be done to any FieldFox internal folder, standard SD folder, or USB storage device.




For more on renaming folders/files, refer to “How to use the FieldFox labeler” and “Prefixes and Suffixes for Filenames”.




String to Replace is case sensitive.




Insert only ONE USB Flash Drive in the FieldFox when saving or copying files.

Manage Folders

You can create new folders, delete old folders, and select the active folder to which files can be saved. The Parent folder [..] is listed when not in the root directory.

Creating and Managing Folders

  1. Press Save/Recall 9 > More > Manage Folders
  2. Then choose from the following:



For more on renaming folders/files, refer to “How to use the FieldFox labeler” and “Prefixes and Suffixes for Filenames”.


Edit Keywords

The preselected keywords (FILE, SITE, and so forth) can be edited to meet your specific needs. Your keywords will remain in the FieldFox until you change them. Keywords are limited to 30 characters.

How to edit keywords

  1. Press Save/Recall 9 > More > Edit Keywords
  2. Then Next Page and Previous Page to view all keywords.

How to move the cursor

Use the rotary knob to move the cursor along the same row. The cursor will change rows when it comes to a row end.

Use the  arrows () to move the cursor up and down between rows.

When the selected keyword is complete:

Press Done to save all keywords and close the Edit Keywords labeler. These keywords will exist on the FieldFox until changed.

Press Cancel to close the labeler without saving changes.


Prefixes and Suffixes for Filenames

The prefix and suffix (Auto Append) can be used together to organize files. Once set and enabled, they are automatically entered as the beginning (Prefix) and end (Suffix - using Auto Append) of a filename when performing a Save operation. These settings are persistent, until disabled. Refer to “How to edit the Prefix and Suffix (Auto Append)” and “How to enable/disable Auto Append (Suffix)”.



If you are only interested in adding a prefix or a suffix to a new file or files one time, refer to “Manage Files”.

This section contains the following sections:

“How to edit the Prefix and Suffix (Auto Append)”

“How to move the cursor”.

“When the Prefix is complete”.

“How to enable/disable Auto Append (Number and Date)”.

How to edit the Prefix and Suffix (Auto Append)

If you want to edit a prefix on a finite set of files one time, refer to “Manage Files”.


  1. Press Save/Recall 9 > More > Prefix Suffix
  2. Then choose from the following:


Couplings: For the softkey to be active, Prefix/Suffix == MyFilePrefix.


Couplings: For this softkey to be active, the Prefix/Suffix softkey must be set to “User”. Learn more, see "Preferences" and to "File Saving Naming Options".




When Prefix/Suffix == Last File is selected, the Edit Prefix, Auto Append, Edit Number Suffix, and Edit Suffix softkeys are grayed out (inactive).

How to move the cursor

When the Prefix is complete

When the Suffix is complete

How to enable/disable the Prefix/Suffix (persistent)

  1. Press Save/Recall 9 > More > Prefix Suffix
  2. Then Prefix/Suffix

How to enable/disable Auto Append (Number and Date)

  1. Press Save/Recall 9 > More > Prefix Suffix
  2. Then Auto Append

Press Printing

The current screen or selected files can be printed using a PCL-compatible printer (like older HP Deskjet printer) connected to one of the FieldFox USB ports. Newer PCL3GUI photo and all-in-one printers are NOT supported.


Measurements can also be printed using the FieldFox Data Link software.

How to print the current screen or a saved file

To save ink, first select an outdoor (white background) display color. Learn how in “Display Colors”.


  1. Connect the printer to a FieldFox USB port. The print softkey will appear ONLY when a compatible printer is connected.
  2. Then press Save/Recall 9
  3. Then Print and choose from the following:
  1. Make other print settings as desired.
    1. Select Files\nfor Printing - Print up to 16 *.PNG images on one page that are stored on the Internal drive. Images can NOT be printed from the USB and SD card.
    2. Edit the Quick Settings table to select up to FOUR Rows and FOUR Columns for up to 16 total images to be printed on a single page.
    3. If necessary, edit the filenames to be printed.
    4. Press Done. Then Print Selected\nFiles to begin printing.