Chapter 9 System Settings

In this Chapter



“User Preset”

“Audio (Volume) Control”

“Display (Settings)”

“Display Brightness”

“Display Colors”

“Trace Width”


“Edit Keywords”

“Full Screen Mode”


“How to view and change Utilities Settings”

-- “Utilities Softkey Choices”

--“How to view and change the Frequency Extender (Freq Extnd) Settings”


“Quick Settings Table”

“Save and Reset Preferences”

“Global Settings (Overview)”


--“Battery Saver”

--“Startup Mode”

--“Startup Mode”

“File folders”

“Alpha Numeric Editing”

“File Saving Naming Options”

“Quick Save Editing”

“Group Save File Types Editing”

“CAT (Distance Units)”



“Discrete Colors Softkey Menu”

“System Configuration”

“Options (Licensing)”

“GNSS (GPS+) and GPS”

“Frequency Reference Source”

“Variable Voltage Source (Opt. 309)”

“Security Level”

“Date and Time, Format, and Time Zone Settings”

“LAN Settings”

“Power ON”

“FieldFox Package Installer (N995xA, N996xA, and applies to: N991xA/2xA/3xA units with serial number prefixes ≥5607)”

“Date and Time, Format, and Time Zone Settings”

“Service Diagnostics”


See Also:

“Install the Lithium-Ion Battery”

“FieldFox High Temperature Protection”


The Run/Hold key determines whether the FieldFox sweeps continuously or does NOT sweep, but holds the display results of the last sweep that was performed.


Use Hold to conserve battery power or to allow you to save or analyze the results of a specific measurement sweep.


The current sweep mode is shown on the screen as:

How to perform a single sweep while in Hold

  1. Press Sweep 3.
  2. Then choose one of the following:


The Preset key restores the FieldFox measurement settings to a known condition. You can preset the entire instrument, or just the current Mode (CAT, SA, and so forth).


When Preset, the FieldFox CalReady calibration is recalled for use in CAT and NA Modes. Learn more in “CalReady”.


In addition to all Preference settings, the following settings always survive Preset and Mode Preset:


How to Preset the FieldFox

  1. Press Preset.
  2. Then choose one of the following:

User Preset

User Preset allows you to store custom settings for each mode, then recall the settings when the Preset key is pressed. Your custom settings are saved to a standard State file (UserPreset.sta). However, unlike State files, calibration data is NOT saved. Learn more about State files in “Set File Type and Select Device”.

How to set User Preset

  1. Make your custom settings for all modes.
  2. When finished, press Preset.
  3. Then Save User Preset, then select Yes to confirm.
  4. Then User Preset ON

How to recall User Preset

  1. Press Preset.
  2. Then choose from the following:


- Only the instrument settings are saved to UserPreset.sta. No trace data or calibration data is saved.


- User Preset ON / OFF is saved as a Preference setting. Like all preferences, this setting survives a FieldFox shut down and power ON. Therefore, when User Preset is ON during shut down, the FieldFox will load UserPreset.sta when it is powered ON.


-To return to Factory Preset, select User Preset OFF. The contents of UserPreset.sta remain stored on the FieldFox. When User Preset is OFF, you can also set the Startup Mode preference that determines which mode will be visible after powering ON. Learn more in "Startup_Mode".


Audio (Volume) Control

System volume control is a FieldFox global setting which sets speaker volume for ALL success beeps, key press clicks, and individual features that use the FieldFox speaker, such as SA Mode Tune and Listen.


The volume control setting remains through a FieldFox Preset. To cause your volume control setting to remain through a FieldFox shut down, save the setting as a Preference. Learn how in “Save and Reset Preferences”.

How to set the FieldFox Volume Control

  1. Press System 7
  2. Then Volume

Display (Settings)

You can adjust the FieldFox for optimum viewing in a wide range of lighting conditions.


Display settings are persistent after a FieldFox shut down. Save the display settings as Preferences. Learn how in “Save and Reset Preferences”.



Clean the transflective screen with gentle and minimal wiping using Isopropyl alcohol applied to a lint-free cloth.

Display Brightness

Change the brightness of the background.


How to set Display Brightness

  1. Press System 7 > Display >  Brightness
  2. Use the  arrows (), the rotary knob, or numeric keypad to enter a value between 0 and 100%.

Display Colors

Change Display Colors to alter the viewing scheme.

How to set Display Colors

  1. Press System 7 > Display > Display Colors
  2. Then choose one of the following:



Outdoor Dusk

Outdoor Clouds

Outdoor Sun

Night Vision  

Trace Width

You can set width of all displayed traces on the FieldFox. This may allow better viewing or enhance the look of screen images. This setting can be saved with Preferences.


How to set Trace Width

  1. Press System 7 > Display > More > Trace Width
  2. Then choose one of the following:


A custom title can be made to appear in the upper-left corner of the FieldFox screen. The title can contain up to approximately 65 alpha-numeric characters. To view the Title area, see the Screen Tour in "Screen_Tour".

How to add or edit a Title

  1. Press System 7 > Display > Title
  2. Press enter or edit a title using the FieldFox labeler. This is the same labeler function that is used to name files. Learn how to use the labeler in “How to use the FieldFox labeler”.
  3. Press Title ON OFF to make the title appear and disappear from the screen.

Edit Keywords

During a file save operation, keywords can be quickly appended to other text to create unique filenames. The Edit Keywords feature allows you to create custom keywords. Learn all about Edit Keywords in “Edit Keywords”.

Full Screen Mode

Full Screen Mode maximizes the display of trace. The screen annotations and the soft keys are removed.

  1. Press System 7
  2. Then Full Screen


To Exit full screen Mode, press any key.


FieldFox utilities settings will not survive a shut down. When your FieldFox is turned OFF, then back ON, these settings default to their factory settings.



For information on the Phase Array Antenna and EMF Antennas softkeys, refer to Chapter 14  5G Rapid Prototype Phased Array Antenna – Option 360 chapter, in the C-Series N9915-90020 (Unabridged) User's Guide).


How to view and change Utilities Settings

  1. Press System 7
  2. Then Utilities Opens the Utilities softkey menu.

Utilities Softkey Choices

Then choose one of the following:




The Frequency Extender (Freq Extnd) is only active (available) when one of the following modes are enabled: SA/RTSA/IQA/OTA/PAA/VSA (via the Remote Server feature).


When OML millimeterwave extenders are used, Cable and Antenna corrections, if On, are included in eCorr, or Extended Corrections.

How to view and change the Frequency Extender (Freq Extnd) Settings

The following are the only supported modes for the frequency extender feature: SA (Option 233, mixed analyzers, RTSA (Option 350), IQA (Option 351), OTA (Option 370/377/378), PAA (Option 360) modes, and VSA (via the Remote Server feature).



When using a frequency extender with the FieldFox you need to manually set the LO power:


– When using the mixer, the LO power should be reduced to –12 dBm and

– Reduce frequency span to make measurements until the “unleveled power” message goes away (requires ≥A.12.40 firmware)


If you upgrade your FieldFox firmware to ≥A.12.40, but find you are unable to adjust the LO power level to –12 dBm, refer to “Erase User Data”.



Due to limitations in the OML hardware, the heads have a 6 GHz frequency span.



Using a 24 to 40 GHz mixer, you can sweep:

– 24 to 30 GHz and 25 to 31 GHz, but not

– 24 to 31 GHz


Assuming the same 24 to 40 GHz mixer, using OTA mode, you can

– Set a CC0 to 24 GHz and CC1 to 31 GHz, but not

– CC0 to 4 GHz and CC1 to 32 GHz, because you have to remain within the mixer’s band


PAA and 89600 VSA (via the Remote Server feature) are compatible with the frequency converter heads, but cannot apply or edit the frequency head corrections.


For this section, refer to Figure 9-1, Figure 9-2 , Figure 9-3, Figure 9-4, Figure 9-5, and Figure 9-6.


These settings are used to set up a frequency extender head (e.g., OML head). The frequency extender feature can be used in OTA FR2 measurements. See also, Chapter 13, “Over–the–Air Measurements (OTA) – LTE FDD Option 370, LTE TDD Option 371, 5GTF Option 377 (CPU2 Only)” in the C-Series N9915-90020 (Unabridged) User's Guide).


The frequency extender heads are an external down converter that extends the FieldFox's range. The frequency extender head makes use of the FieldFox's source and uses USB port for power. The FieldFox support for the frequency extender head includes:

The OML frequency extenders have approximately 4 to 10 dB of gain depending on the mixer and frequency.


Frequency Extender Procedure
General Comment on Frequency Converter Usage:

OML heads are limited to 6 GHz span.



If you are using a 24–40 GHz OML head you can sweep:


But, in OTA mode, because each frequency is set separately, you can set CC0 to 24 GHz and CC1 to 31 GHz.


But, you cannot set CC0 to 4 GHz and CC1 to 32 GHz. You have to stay within the band of the OML mixer (24-40 in this example), if you are enabling an external head.  


  1. Press System 7 > Utilities > Freq Extnd > Select Freq Extnd Head
  2. To select the frequency extender head, use the numeric keypad,  arrows (), or rotary knob to change the value.
  3. Press Recall File to make the highlighted head the current selection.
  4. Press Freq Extnd ON OFF to ON to enable the frequency extender head. When a compatible mode is enabled, all supported modes annotate Freq Extnd at the bottom of the display. See also, step 8.
  5. Optional: Press High Sensitivity ON OFF to ON is selected for maximum span (up to 6 GHz). Narrow is selected for lowest noise floor for a given RF input (100 MHz). Default is OFF (maximum span – 6 GHz).
  6. Optional: Press Setup Corr Auto Edit SA when Auto is selected the default corrections for a frequency converter head are automatically loaded ("...Default.csv"). These corrections are defaults for the specific head, to improve nominal accuracy of the amplitude readings, but this accuracy is not specified. Press Edit SA, when you want to view or edit the corrections using the SA mode corrections. This state stops all auto-loading of the default corrections. Refer to step 8.


The other non-SA supported modes do not allow viewing or editing of the corrections, but they all share the same corrections.


Therefore, any manual changes to the corrections (using SA via Edit SA) are then used by other supported modes (RTSA/IQA/OTA) as well.


  1. Optional: Press Apply Corr ON OFF OFF is selected to not apply the default nominal file corrections. Press to apply corrections for the Converter, all supported modes will apply corrections and annotate "eCorr" in the left panel. The corrections applied (regardless of mode) are either default/nominal (if Auto loading was used) or custom/specific (if manual editing Edit SA was used). Default is OFF.
  2. Press Mode > and then your preferred mode for testing.


IMPORTANT! The softkey menu for editing of the frequency converter correction files is only available when the FieldFox is in SA mode.



To select a setting/value to edit, use the numeric keypad,  arrows (), or rotary knob to change the value.


Refer to Figure 9-4.

It is important to save any changes that are made to the Settings table. If the Setup Corr softkey is reset to Auto, it will recall the last "...Default.csv" used, and any unsaved changes will be lost.


      1. New to opens a corrections table of the currently selected file (*.csv), but enables you to create a new converter corrections file. Displays "Overwrite existing Converter data?" Then choose:

To select a setting/value to edit, use the numeric keypad,  arrows (), or rotary knob to change the value.


Refer to Figure 9-4.


      1. Save Converter opens a ’labeler’ menu where you can name and save your frequency converter corrections file (*.csv) to the default [INTERNAL]:\Converter folder.
      2. Recall Converter opens a menu where you can recall a frequency converter corrections file (*.csv).
      3. Storage Device opens a menu where you can change the storage location of your frequency converter correction files (*csv). (Default = Internal. Else, press SD Card or USB.)

See also, Chapter 13, “Over–the–Air Measurements (OTA) – LTE FDD Option 370, LTE TDD Option 371, 5G TF Option 377, 5G NR / 5G NR EVM Conducted Option 378.”


Figure 9-1 FieldFox with OML Downconverter

Figure 9-2 FieldFox Frequency Converter High Sensitivity (ON: Narrow—Lowest Noise Floor—Displayed)


Figure 9-3 FieldFox Frequency Extender Select Frequency Extender Head

Figure 9-4 FieldFox Frequency Converter Corrections Table


Figure 9-5 FieldFox Frequency Converter (Freq Extend) On And Corrections (eCorr) Enabled (SA mode shown; other compatible modes are similar.)


Figure 9-6 FieldFox Frequency Converter (Freq Extend) On And Corrections (eCorr) Enabled (RTSA mode shown; other compatible modes are similar.)


FieldFox preferences are settings that survive a shut down. When your FieldFox is turned OFF, then back ON, these settings remain. All preference settings can be restored to their factory defaults. Learn how in “Save and Reset Preferences”.


There are two ways to make FieldFox preference settings:


Quick Settings Table

All preferences can be set from the Quick Settings table. They are immediately saved as Preferences when Done is pressed.

How to view and change Preference Quick Settings

  1. Press System 7 > Preferences > Preferences
  2. Press Next Page and Previous Page to view all settings.
  3. To change a setting:
    1. Use the arrows () to highlight a setting.
    2. Then press Edit. The current setting changes to yellow.
    3. Some settings require you to press a softkey to change the value.

      Otherwise, use the numeric keypad,  arrows (), or rotary knob to change the value.
    4. When finished changing a value, press Done Edit.
  1. When finished changing ALL preferences, press Done. All changes are immediately saved as Preferences.

  1. To exit the editing session without saving changes, press Esc at any time.


Learn more about these preference settings:


“Save and Reset Preferences” (Part of Preferences Softkey Menu)

“Global Settings (Overview)”

“Language” (Similar features as Language in the Preferences softkey menu)

   See also, “How to select a Language”

“Battery Saver”

“Startup Mode”

“Display (Settings)”

“Audio (Volume) Control” and “Audio”

“Date and Time”

“GNSS (GPS+) and GPS”

“Frequency Reference Source”

“File folders”

“Alpha Numeric Editing”

“File Saving Naming Options”

“Quick Save Editing”

“Group Save File Types Editing”

“CAT (Distance Units)”



“Discrete Colors Softkey Menu” - Part of Preferences softkey menu.

Save and Reset Preferences

All preference settings can be made at one time from the Quick Settings table.


All settings that can be saved as preferences (except Battery Saver and Startup Mode) can also be made from individual softkey selections throughout the FieldFox menu structure. However, they remain through a FieldFox shut down ONLY when the current settings are saved as preferences.


The table above shows a list of all of these settings and where they are discussed in this User’s Guide.

How to save current settings as Preferences

  1. Using softkeys, configure the settings as you would like them to remain.
  2. Press System 7 > Preferences
  3. Then Save Current Settings There is a beep when your settings have been saved.
  4. Press Reset Preferences to restore the factory default settings.


Choose the language in which to display FieldFox softkeys and other messages. Select Save Current Settings to set this language as a preference.


See also, “How to select a Language”.

Global Settings (Overview)

Choose the Global Settings values (Language, Batter Saver, and Startup Mode). See also “Quick Settings Table”.

How to select Global Settings:

  1. Press System 7 > Preferences > Preferences
  2. Then use arrow () softkeys or the knob to select Global Settings
  3. Then Edit for each of the following:
  4. Then Done Edit (for each change in setting)


How to select a Language

  1. Press System 7 > Preferences > Language OR

This setting is available under Global Settings by:

Press System 7 > Preferences > Preferences

  1. Then choose from the following:

Battery Saver

When the battery saver is OFF, the RF source power is left ON at the end of the sweep which consumes more battery power. This feature is used in CAT, NA, VVM modes, and SA mode when the internal source is turned ON.


Battery Saver is the ONLY FieldFox setting that must be made as a Preference from the Quick Settings table. This setting remains until you change it again.


The FieldFox internal temps will run 2°C – 5°C cooler with the Battery Saver on (the temperature range is dependent on the ambient temp).


How to set Battery Saver

  1. Press System 7 > Preferences   Preferences
  2. Then scroll to Global Settings > Battery Saver

Startup Mode

The Startup Mode setting determines the mode that becomes active (visible) when User Preset is set to OFF (Factory Preset) and the FieldFox is powered ON. See “User Preset”.

How to setup Startup Mode

  1. Press System 7 > Preferences > Preferences
  2. Then scroll to Global Settings > Startup Mode > Edit.
  3. Then repeatedly press the Startup Mode to scroll through the available choices or use the arrow () softkeys.


Startup Option

The Startup Option setting determines the behavior of the FieldFox after a restart.


An instrument can never power up for the first time in LAST.


If line power to the instrument is interrupted, by any of the following, Last Power Off State may not work properly:

– If there is no battery and the line cord plug is removed

– If the test rack/bench power is switched off power.


For proper operation, Last Power Off State depends on your shutting down the instrument via softkeys Mode > More. . . (Varies with number of Options loaded) > “Shut down” | “Restart”.



See “User Preset”.

How to setup Startup Option

  1. Press System 7 > Preferences > Preferences
  2. Then scroll to Global Settings > Startup Option and press Edit.
  3. Then repeatedly press the Startup Option to toggle through the available choices.


Choose the Display values (Display Colors, Trace Width, Brightness, Title Enabled, Title). See “Display (Settings)” on page 721.


How to select Display values:


  1. Press System 7 > Preferences > Preferences
  2. Then Preferences
  3. Then Preferences
  4. Then use arrow () softkeys or the knob to select Display
  5. Then Edit for each of the following:
  1. Trace Width


Setting trace width to Wide, will result in slower trace refresh rates.


  1. Brightness
  1. Title Enabled
  1. Title
  2. Then Done Edit (for each change in setting)


Choose the Audio values (Mute, Volume). See also “Audio (Volume) Control”.


How to select Audio values:

  1. Press System 7> Preferences > Preferences
  2. Then use arrow () softkeys or the knob to select Audio.
  3. Then Edit for each of the following:
  1. Volume
  2. Then Done Edit (for each change in setting)

Date and Time

Choose the Date and Time values (Date and Time, Time Format, Date Format, and Time Zone). See also “Date and Time, Format, and Time Zone Settings”.


How to select Distance and Time units:

  1. Press System 7> Preferences > Preferences
  2. Then use arrow () softkeys or the knob to select Date and Time.
  3. Then Edit for each of the following:
  1. Then Done Edit (for each change in setting)

GPS – Distance Settings

Choose the GPS values (GPS State, Elevation Unit, GPS Sync Clock, Display, Lat/Lon Format). See also “GNSS (GPS+) and GPS”.

How to select GPS distance units:

  1. Press System 7> Preferences > Preferences
  2. Then use arrow () softkeys or the knob to select GPS.
  3. Then Edit for each of the following:

Frequency Reference

When Internal or External is selected, a search is made for satellites overhead. GPS (default) works best when outdoors and in full view of the open sky.  


See also, “GNSS (GPS+) and GPS”.

How to set the frequency reference settings:

This procedure saves your frequency reference settings using the Quick Settings Table in Preferences. Learn more in the “Quick Settings Table”.


  1. Press System 7> Preferences > Preferences then
  2. Press Next Page until Frequency Reference is displayed.
  3. Use arrow () keys  or knob to scroll down to until Frequency Ref Source is highlighted.
  4. Press Edit > Frequency Ref Sou [GPS] then
  5. Choose from the following:

File folders

When enabled, FieldFox uses the last selected Device and Folder location as the default device location after instrument power cycle.



Before setting the preferences for the File Folders, you must select the Device and Folder locations. Refer to Chapter 10, “File Management”.


How to set File Folders

  1. Press System 7> Preferences > Preferences then
  2. Then scroll to User Folder Persist:

See also: “Alpha Numeric Editing” and “File Saving Naming Options”.

Alpha Numeric Editing


File Saving Naming Options

Prefix – Displays the current choice for Prefix. Choices are User, Last File (default), or Off. Refer to Prefixes and Suffixes for Filenames in “Prefixes and Suffixes for Filenames”.


Auto Append – Displays the current choice for Auto Append to a filename (Suffix). Choices are Off (default), Number, Date. Refer to “Prefixes and Suffixes for Filenames”.


Quick Save Editing

Enables/disables the Quick Save feature. Quick Save saves any files you have set to On in the Group Save File Types preferences. Refer to “Group Save File Types Editing”.


To save the User Device storage location, refer to Chapter 10, “File Management”.


To avoid losing data, before using the Quick Save feature, verify that you have all of the correct data file types enabled for saving.


  1. Press System 7> Preferences > Preferences then
  2. Press Next Page until Quick Save is displayed.
  3. Use arrow keys () keys or knob to scroll down to until your choice is highlighted then choose one or more of the following:

Group Save File Types Editing

Enables/disables the selected file types to be saved as part of the Group Save File Types feature. (Default for all group save file types = Off.) Refer to “Quick Save Editing”.

Group Save File Types Procedure

  1. Press System 7> Preferences > Preferences OR

Press Save/Recall 9 > More > Preferences then

  1. Press Next Page until Group Save File Types is displayed.
  2. Use arrow keys () or knob to scroll down to until your choice is highlighted then:
  3. Press Edit then
  4. Press ’file type’ Data (.xxx) to enable/disable the data file type (default = Off). (e.g., Image (.png) ON OFF, CSV Data (.csv) ON OFF, etcetera).
  5. Repeat steps 3 through 5 as required.
  6. Press Done Edit to exit the current data type softkey menu.
  7. Press Done to exit the Preferences menu and save your Preferences.

Group Save File Types

CAT (Distance Units)

Choose the CAT distance units (i.e., Meters (default), Feet, Inches). See “DTF Units”.


How to select CAT distance units:

  1. Press  System 7> Preferences > Preferences
  2. Then Edit for each of the following:
  1. Then Done Edit (after each change in setting)


Choose the CAT/NA settings for SnP file save, default factory error corrections, extended cal default. See also “> What Data Processing functions are included in saved SNP Data:” on page 775.


How to select CAT/NA defaults:

  1. Press  System 7> Preferences > Preferences
  2. Then use arrow () softkeys or the knob to select CAT/NA
  3. Then Edit for each of the following:
  1. Then Done Edit (after each change in setting)


Choose the SA setting for Individual measurement Control default. See also “Alignments”.


How to select SA defaults:

  1. Press  System 7 >  Preferenes > Preferences
  2. Then use arrow () softkeys or the knob to select SA
  3. Then Edit for each of the following:

When ADC Over Range Warn Emphasis is set to either, Big Font + Beep or Beep, the FieldFox audible beep sounds whenever an ADC Over Range error occurs.


You can adjust the Beep Length from 500 ms (default /minimum) up to 2 seconds. There is always a gap of at least 1s between audible beeps.


To set the Beep Length: Highlight the Beep Length setting then, press Edit > 2s (i.e., in this example, to set the audible beep to be on for 2 seconds).

  1. Then Done Edit (after changing setting)

Discrete Colors Softkey Menu

The discrete colors softkey menu can be used to increase the choice of colors displayed from two to up to six colors, for easier measurement readings. Refer to Figure 9-7.


Figure 9-7 Display Example: Color Coded Bar Scale (x6 Colors)

Using the Discrete Colors Softkey Menu

  1. Press System 7> Preferences > Discrete Colors
  2. Choose from the following:

System Configuration

Options (Licensing)

You can view and install options on your FieldFox. To see a comprehensive list of the options that are available, view the FieldFox Configuration Guide at: .

How to view the Installed Options

  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > Options (Licensing)  
  2. Then Show Options


The currently installed options are listed.

How to Install Options (License File)

A license file (*.lic file) must already be on a USB Flash Drive. To learn how to obtain a license file (*.lic file), visit:


  1. Insert the USB Flash Drive in the FieldFox.
  2. Press System 7 > System Configuration > Options (Licensing)
  3. Then Install Options The FieldFox reads, validates, then installs the options.
  4. Press and hold the power button to shut down, then restart the FieldFox.

How to Delete ALL Options

Deleting individual options is NOT supported.


  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > Options (Licensing) > Advanced
  2. Then Delete All Options


After a warning message, all options on the FieldFox are deleted.





Delete All CFG Options is to be used by Service Personnel ONLY.


For more information about Licensing, see the FieldFox Service Manual at: FieldFox Manuals, Firmware, Software and Product Support - Technical Support Knowledge Center Open ( .



IMPORTANT! The FieldFox may display "Ant OPEN", even when a GPS antenna is connected to the FieldFox. If the GPS antenna is powered by another power supply and has a DC blocking capacitor where the feed is connected to FieldFox, then minimal amounts of current will be drawn from the FieldFox, so the instrument will display "Ant OPEN". The threshold to detect the presence of an antenna is approximately 1.6 mA.



GPS (Global Positioning System) allows you to ‘stamp’ each data trace with your physical position in latitude/longitude/elevation format. This can be useful when making measurements on cell towers or other antennas at remote locations.


How to make GPS settings

GPS settings are the same with, or without, Option 307.


Your GPS settings can be saved with Preferences. Learn more in “Quick Settings Table”.


  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > GPS
  2. Then choose from the following:
  3. Display ON OFF Enable and disable the GPS display on the FieldFox main window.
  4. GPS then choose from:


When Internal or External is selected, a search is made for satellites overhead. GPS works best when outdoors and in full view of the open sky. When several satellites are found, the following screen appears (when Display is set to ON) and is updated frequently:



As the bar graph count exceeds 9 bars, the “dB” text is dropped from the number displayed on the bar. Units for C/No are dBHz.



Figure 9-8 GPS Display



The C/No values returned are not calibrated at the factory or warranted for accuracy. The numbers retrieved are passed unprocessed directly from the GPS receiver in use.

GPS Status

With GPS enabled the following is displayed at the top of the FieldFox screen:


The following icons (located in RED circle above) indicate the GPS lock status:

 - GPS ON and locked on satellites.

 - GPS ON, but NOT locked on satellites.

 - GPS ON, but no GPS receiver is present or detected.


The following annotation (BLUE circle in above image) indicates the INTERNAL, top-panel antenna status:

Ant: INIT – antenna status initializing.

Ant: OK – antenna present and working.

Ant: OPEN – antenna is not drawing DC bias current. This could occur when an active antenna is not connected properly or the antenna does not require DC bias current. Antennas that do not require bias current can still provide an accurate GPS reading.

Ant: SHORT – antenna center pin has been shorted to ground. The internal bias circuitry is disabled for about one minute, then re-enabled. You can also press GPS OFF, then GPS Internal to quickly re-enable the antenna bias.

More GNSS and GPS settings

See also, “GNSS and GPS Freq Ref Source Settings”.


  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration
  2. Then System Configuration
  3. Then GNSS (GPS+) or GPS (depending on options) > GNSS Settings
  4. Then choose from the following:


The GPS Sync setting has the same restrictions as the Date and Time setting. Learn more in “Date and Time”.


Saving Data with GPS Enabled

GPS position and clock data are included when data is saved with the following files types: *.csv, *.SnP, State, State+Trace data save.


A warning is shown if the GPS is ON but unlocked at time of save, or if the GPS feature is ON but no GPS is physically present at time of save.


The following is a sample S1P file with GPS information:

!GPS Latitude: 38 28.87717 N

!GPS Longitude: 122 42.66625 W

!GPS TimeStamp: 06/25/2010 16:24:48

!GPS Seconds Since Last Read: 2s


Saving GPS Display Data

To save the current GPS data displayed:

  1. Press Save/Recall 9
  2. Then Save File Picture (PNG)


A menu opens to enable naming the file you are saving (*.png).

More GNSS Settings


  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > GNSS Selection
  2. Then choose from the following:

GNSS and GPS Freq Ref Source Settings

For convenience, the GNSS Settings menu includes the Freq Ref Source softkey.


  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > GNSS (GPS+) > Freq Ref Source [GPS] then
  2. Choose one of the following:


For more, on the Freq Ref Source softkey choices, refer to “Frequency Reference Source”.

Frequency Reference Source

The FieldFox internal frequency reference source is used to make accurate and stable measurements. To improve measurement accuracy and stability, you can use a highly-stable external 10 MHz reference source or a precision timing signal provided with Built-in GPS (Opt. 307).


The Frequency Reference setting will survive a Factory Preset or Mode Preset and is saved as part of the Instrument State. When resuming after Standby, the FieldFox will display an Unlock message while it acquires a lock to an external or GPS source.

How to select Frequency Reference Source

  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration  > Frequency Ref > Freq Ref Source then
  2. Choose from the following:

Hold-over mode

When the GPS signal is lost, the last GPS reading is used as a hold-over correction value for the internal reference. The hold-over correction value is no longer used, but instead the factory-set correction value is used, when any of the following occur:

Frequency Reference Status

When switched to Ext or GPS, one of the following annotations appears in the lower-left corner of the screen:

EXT R – External reference is selected.

GPS R – GPS reference is selected.

GPS H – Internal Reference is used with last ‘hold-over’ correction reading.


If the FieldFox does NOT find an appropriate Ext or GPS reference signal, then Ext Ref UNLOCKED is displayed in the lower-left corner of the graticule area. This can occur when any of the following conditions exist:

To learn the expected measurement accuracy when connected to a frequency reference source, see the FieldFox specifications in “Appendix B: Specifications/Data Sheet,” in the C-Series 9915-90020 (Unabridged) User's Guide).

Reference OUT

The internal 10 MHz frequency reference is available from the Ref/Trig output connector on the right-side panel. Use this signal as a common frequency reference when making measurements using external equipment. See this connector in “Top Panel”.

Variable Voltage Source (Opt. 309)


Noise Figure mode uses DC variable voltage source (VVS) – (Option 309) during the measurements. The voltage might be as high as 28V during the measurement. During the noise figure measurement, always make sure there are no voltage sensitive devices connected to the DC SMB output port. Refer to Chapter , “Noise Figure Mode (Option 356 – CPU2 Only),”  in the C-Series N9915-90020 (Unabridged) User's Guide).


When you initially change the FieldFox mode to Noise Figure, the FieldFox displays the following message for ten seconds:

"Ensure your Noise Source is connected to the VVS DC Output It (VVS) will be driven up to +28V during the measurement".


An internal DC source, available with Opt. 309, may be used to provide power for external devices. The maximum power available is 8 watts.


The voltage is output through an SMB (m) output connector located on the left-side panel. See the connector in “Left Side Panel”.


An optional SMB (f) to BNC (m) bias-tee power cable is available with Keysight part number: N9910X-713.


The following status line is provided near the top of the FieldFox screen.


Figure 9-9


Voltage Source Status Line

1. Voltage source state: ON, OFF, TRIPPED.
2. Voltage setting from 1.00 V to 32.00 V with.01 V resolution.
3. Current: The amount of current (in Amperes) being drawn from the source.
4. Max Current: A conservative estimate of maximum current possible given the present voltage setting. The actual ‘trip’ level may be slightly different.


How to make Voltage Source settings

  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > Voltage Source
  2. Then Source ON OFF to enable and disable the voltage source output.
  3. Then choose:

Security Level

For security reasons, you can prevent frequency information from appearing on the FieldFox while in SA, NA, or CAT modes.

How to set Security Level

  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > Security Level
  2. Then choose from the following:

Date and Time, Format, and Time Zone Settings

Set the local date and time, Date and Time format, and Time Zone that is shown on the FieldFox screen. The Date and Time is also used to identify files that are saved.


The Date and Time can also be set by synchronizing with GPS satellites. Learn more in “GPS – Distance Settings”.


How to Update Date and Time using Internet

This method of setting the Date and Time does NOT have the security restrictions of the other methods (listed below).


This method will NOT set the correct Time Zone. You must do that using the manual method. See below.


  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > More > Update Time using Internet
  2. Connect a LAN cable that is also connected to the Internet.
  3. Then press Update Time using Internet. When successful, a message is displayed indicating the amount of time correction that occurred.

How to MANUALLY set Date and Time, Format, and Time Zone


Because of licensing security, the manual and GPS Sync methods to set Date and Time are restricted as follows:

- Can be set backward no more than 5 hours at a time.

- Can be set forward any amount of time.

- Can be set backward or forward no more than once in a day. A new day begins at midnight.

- There is no restriction for setting the Time Zone.

- To change the Date and Time backward a significant amount, send an email to



BEFORE manually setting the Date and Time, be absolutely certain that the Time Zone setting is correct.


  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > More > Date and Time.
  2. Press the  arrows () to highlight the row to be edited.
  3. Then press Edit.
  4. Use the arrows () or rotary knob to select and to edit a field.
  5. Press Cancel or Done when the edits are complete.
  6. Press Done to exit the Date and Time settings. The readout in the upper-right corner of the FieldFox screen will update accordingly.

LAN Settings

Configure the LAN settings to be used to communicate with the Data Link Software and connect to the FieldFox for remote SCPI operation. Learn more about Data Link at:



Table 7-1 LAN LEDs


When FieldFox is connected to the LAN, the flashing LAN LEDs have the following definitions:

Green: Flashing indicates packets are being transferred.


  • Flash, pause = 10 Mbit link speed
  • Flash, flash, pause = 100 Mbit link speed
  • Flash, flash, flash, pause = 1 GBit link speed

How to configure LAN settings

The first three ‘Current...’ settings can NOT be edited.


  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > More > LAN.
  2. Then choose from the following:



For all FieldFoxes with firmware ≤A.08.18 and ≤A.09.50 FW, when using Static IP addresses:

- Either a valid Static Gateway is required or

- Either a valid Static DNS is required or (If entry is available.)



To make the LAN settings persist after power up, toggle Apply Settings to Now then back to Power Up. You should see a message indicating that the LAN config file was saved.


  1. Press Done Edit when finished.

Power ON

When the FieldFox is without a power source, this setting allows the FieldFox to power ON when the DC Adapter is inserted without pressing the power button.

How to set Power ON

  1. Press > System Configuration > More > Power ON.
  2. Then choose from the following:

FieldFox Package Installer

The FieldFox Package Installer enables you to download new versions of firmware from either a USB memory or SD Card. Additionally, the Utility softkey enables you to backup user files or restore user files.

How to run the Installer


Before running the Installer to update your firmware, you might want to back up your user data. Refer to “How to restore files”.



  1. Press System 7 > System Configuration > More > Firmware Update >  Start Installer.


The Installer software opens after a couple of seconds.



If no files are displayed, verify that a USB memory or SD Card is installed and press Refresh List.


  1. Then choose from the following:
  1. Press Start Install and the following occur:


“Current Step Progress:” bar and a “Total Progress:” bar are displayed along with this message: “Copying package. Do not remove install media.


When the installation is completed, the FieldFox reboots.

How to backup files

This procedure backs up your user data to a USB or SD card. See also “How to restore files”.



If you backup multiple versions of the user files, the FieldFox appends a “_#” to each subsequently stored file. During restore, the file with the highest appended number is loaded into the FieldFox.


From the initial Installer menu:

  1. Press Utility > Backup Data

A message is displayed: “Choose backup file location.


  1. Then choose either SD Card or USB

A progress bar and a message is displayed: “Saving user data…


  1. Optional: Press Cancel to exit without backing up your files and returning to the initial Installer menu.

How to restore files

This procedure restores user files from a USB or SD card. See also “How to backup files”.


Restoring files overwrites the existing user data on the FieldFox.



If you backup multiple versions of the user files, the FieldFox appends a “_#” to each subsequently stored file. During restore, the file with the highest appended number is loaded into the FieldFox.


If your stored any user files to a USB or SD card, this procedure restores those files.


From the initial Installer menu:


Press Restore Data


A progress bar and a message is displayed: “Restoring user data…

Service Diagnostics

The Service diagnostics menu is generally used to display service-related information. To access these menu items, press System   7 then Service Diagnostics.

System Information

The System information table shows important information about your FieldFox. The following is the most useful information:

Event Log

The Event Log shows the information that has appeared on the FieldFox screen. The most recent information is at the top of the table.


Press Clear Events to erase this information.



Learn more in Chapter 33, “Working with the Lithium-Ion Battery,”  in the C-Series N9915-90020 (Unabridged) User's Guide).

Internal Temperatures

Learn about the importance of the internal FieldFox temperatures in “FieldFox High Temperature Protection”.

Erase User Data


The process in this section erases all User Data from the FieldFox. Before proceeding, Keysight strongly recommends that you back up all of your User Data to an external storage device. refer to “How to backup files”.


All data that you have written to the FieldFox can be erased with the press of a button. You would do this if your FieldFox is located in a secure environment and must be routinely erased of sensitive data.


All data is removed from the FieldFox internal “UserData” partition. This includes all State files and Trace + State files (*.sta), all Data files (*.csv, *.snp), all Picture files (*.png), all Cal Kit files, and all Cable files.


External media that is inserted (mini-SD card or USB flash drive) is NOT erased.


The “Lost Clusters“ folder and files are NOT erased because they are part of the file system housekeeping.

How to Erase User Data

  1. Press System 7 > Service Diagnostics > Advanced > Erase User Data.
  2. Then Confirm Erase.



Rebooting is not required on the N995xA, N996xA, and applies to: N991xA/2xA/3xA units with serial number prefixes ≥5607.