[:SENSe]:SEMask:OFFSet<n>:ALIMit:STOP:AUTO <num>

(Read-Write) Set and query the SEM absolute limit Offset segment <n> stop (automatic) in dBm (enable/disabled). 

When enabled the start and stop values of the specified segment are set to the same value. Two Limit traces are available, an Absolute Limit and a Relative Limit. Both are defined and applied only over the Offset measurement regions. There is no Limit definition or application for the Reference Channel itself.  The final Limit Trace displayed is a concatenation of all the individual Offset Limit segments, just as the final measurement trace is. Success or Failure is determined by Fail Mask per offset, to be based on either Relative or Absolute limits, Both (Abs AND  Rel), or Either (Abs OR Rel). 

Overall SEM Success of Failure is based on all Offsets considered. If any offset segment fails, then overall result is FAILURE.  If all limits pass, then overall PASS.

The Limits per offset are determined by Start/Stop Amplitude level endpoints, which correspond exactly to the user specified Start/Stop frequency locations in the Offsets sub-menu.  So each offset segment is a LINE defined by its two endpoints. The Limit menu above shows “Auto” state for both Stop limit points, which simply means to match the Start limit value, hence creating a FLAT (horizontal) Limit Line segment. But either Stop value can be manually set as well, creating sloped Limit segments.

See also https://literature.cdn.keysight.com/litweb/pdf/N9938-90003.pdf.


Relevant Modes





Choose from:

Enter a segment number from 1 through 8.


Choose from:

ON(1): SEM offset  absolute limit stop Auto is enabled.

OFF(0): SEM offset absolute limit stop Auto is disabled.


SEM:OFFS7:ALIM:STOP:AUTO 1 'Sets the SEM channel 7 absolute automatic stop offset to enabled.

SEM:OFFS:ALIM:STOP:AUTO OFF 'Sets the SEM channel 1 absolute automatic stop offset is disabled.

Query Syntax


Return Type



Dynamic: model/option dependent

Last Modified:


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