PLTS Help and Documentation

This topic discusses the following:

Other Getting Started Topics

PLTS Documentation on the Internet

PLTS Help is available at Technical Support: N19301B PLTS Base Analysis  in two formats:

The PLTS Installation Guide is also available at this site.

Context-Sensitive Help

While navigating PLTS, you can go straight to the relevant section of PLTSHelp by clicking on a dialog Help button, or simply pressing F1 on your keyboard.

If your answers are not immediately answered, scroll up and down in the topic, click the visible links, or select the Search tab in the left navigation pane to find more information.

Embedded Operating System Risk

PNA Network Analyzers

The Keysight PNA network analyzers make use of Embedded Operating Systems (EOS) technology. The EOS is a standard personal computer-based operating system. The PNA is essentially a network analyzer with a personal computer behind the front panel.

EOS devices, including the PNA, may be connected to computer networks. When connected, these devices are open to numerous security exploits, worms, and viruses. In addition, they can become a threat to other EOS devices, servers, end-user PCs, and to the network itself.

Precautions are taken to ensure that the PNA has no security issues, such as worms or viruses, prior to shipping. To maintain the health of the PNA, it is recommended that you install anti-virus software and the latest service packs on the PNA before connecting the PNA to a computer network.

Infiniium DCA Oscilloscopes

On your 86100C, you can access Microsoft Windows XP Professional just as you would on your personal computer. Use Windows XP Professional to manage files and folders, add, remove, and setup printing, configure networking, and install applications. The ability to access the operating system is not available on 86100A/B instruments.

Although the 86100C is an instrument and not a personal computer, the operating system is accessible. This makes it possible for you to install applications such as virus protection software. If the performance of the Infiniium DCA application decreases while running other applications, you may need to close those applications that are demanding processor resources. It is also suggested that you schedule automatic virus scans for times when you are not making measurements. Refer to the 86100C Help for complete information.

Printing Help

You can download a .pdf version of PLTS Help which can be easily printed. Visit and search for PLTS. To print individual Help topics click the Print icon at the top of the Help window.

Copying Help to other PCs

When installed with PLTS, this Help file is located at C:/ Winnt/ Help/ PLTSHelp.chm. It can be copied to other PCs as a stand-alone file.

Searching PLTS Help

The following rules apply for using full-text search:

Search for


Results will show topics containing:

Two words in the same topic

response AND calibration

Both the words "response" and "calibration".

Either of two words in a topic

response OR calibration

Either the word "response" or the word "calibration" or both.

The first word without the second word in a topic

response NOT calibration

The word "response" but not the word "calibration".

Both words in the same topic, close together.

response NEAR calibration

The word "response" within eight words of the word "callibration".

About PLTS

To learn the following about the PLTS software, click Help, then About PLTS. You will see the version of the installed PLTS software.

Documentation Warranty

The material contained in this document is provided "as is," and is subject to being changed, without notice, in future editions. Further, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Keysight disclaims all warranties, either express or implied with regard to this manual and any information contained herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Keysight shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, use, or performance of this document or any information contained herein. Should Keysight and the user have a separate written agreement with warranty terms covering the material in this document that conflict with these terms, the warranty terms in the separate agreement will control.

Trademark Acknowledgements

Windows, MS Windows, and MSWord are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.