Reading Cal Set Data using COM

This example iterates over the entire collection of Cal Sets that currently reside in the PNA. It reads the entire list of error term strings from each Cal Set and queries the data for each term.  It then does the same for the standards data.

Learn more about Reading and Writing Calibration data using COM.

Learn more about Cal Sets.

See example: Writing Cal Set Data using COM

See Other COM Example Programs

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save on the PNA hard drive as CalSets.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.

Dim pna
Dim cset  
Dim calsets

' create the pna object
' to run on a remote PC,  substitute 'name' for the full computer name of your PNA
' to run as a macro on the PNA, remove ,"name"

Set pna = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application", "name")
wscript.echo pna.IDString
' obtain the calset collection

Set calsets = pna.GetCalManager.calsets

' loop thru the calsets

Dim c
For c = 1 To calsets.count
Set cset = calsets.Item(c)

'   wscript.echo prints values to a message box

wscript.echo "calset = ", cset.GetGUID, cset.Description

'   iterate through error terms data

Dim vterms,fdata
vterms = cset.GetErrorTermList2(0, "")
if (Not IsEmpty(vterms)) then
For i = LBound(vterms) To UBound(vterms)
wscript.echo vterms(i)
vdata = cset.GetErrorTermByString(0,vterms(i))
fdata = cset.GetErrorTermStimulus(0,vterms(i))
wscript.echo vdata(1,0), vdata(1,1)
wscript.echo fdata(1,0), fdata(1,1)
end if

'   iterate through standards data

vterms = cset.GetStandardList2("")
if (Not IsEmpty(vterms)) then
For i = LBound(vterms) To UBound(vterms)
wscript.echo vterms(i)
vdata = cset.GetStandardByString( vterms(i) )
wscript.echo vdata(1,0), vdata(1,1)
end if

Last modified:


Added GetErrorTermStimulus