This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as DIQ.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.
Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application") app.CreateCustomMeasurementEx 2, "Differential I/Q", "IPwrF1" Set Diq = app.ActiveChannel.CustomChannelConfiguration Diq.AddRange Diq.RangeStartFrequency(1) = 1e9 Diq.RangeStopFrequency(1) = 2e9 Diq.RangeCoupleState(2) = 1 Diq.RangeCoupleId(2)=1 Diq.RangeMultiplier(2) = 2 Diq.RangeIFBW(2) = 1000 Diq.SourceRange("Port 1") = 1 Diq.SourceState("Port 1") = naPortON Diq.MatchState("Port 1") = 1 Diq.MatchFrequencyRange("Port 1") = 1 Diq.MatchTestReceiver("Port 1") = "b3" Diq.MatchRefReceiver("Port 1") = "a3" Diq.PowerSweepState("Port 1")=0 Diq.PortStartPower("Port 1")=-5 Diq.PortAttenuator("Port 1") = 5 Diq.AutoRangeState("Port 1") = 1 |