Create and Cal a GCX Measurement

This VBScript example creates and calibrates a GCX measurement and performs Compression analysis.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as GCX.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See Gain Compression Object and Converter Object

     option explicit

dim CompLevel, Tolerance, StartFreq, StopFreq, LOFreq, NumFreqs, Scale, LinearPower

dim AcqMode, BackOff, StartPower, StopPower, NumPowers, EnableInterp, CompAlg

dim DwellTime, IFBandwidth, ShowIterations, host, app, parser

CompLevel         = 1      ' 1 dB compression level

Tolerance         = 0.05   ' SMART Sweep tolerance

StartFreq         = 2.5E9

StopFreq          = 2.6E9

LOFreq = 1.7E9

NumFreqs          = 21

Scale             = 0.1

LinearPower       = -10

BackOff           = 10     ' Not used for Deviation from linear gain

StartPower        = -20

StopPower         = 8

NumPowers         = 60     ' Not used for SMART Sweep

DwellTime         = 0.0005 ' Allow some time for DUT bias/thermal effects

IFBandwidth       = 1000   ' Reasonable trace noise at -20 dBm

EnableInterp      = False  ' Disable interpolation

AcqMode           = 0      ' Smart Sweep

CompAlg           = 0      ' Deviation from linear gain

ShowIterations  = False  ' Configure SMART to not show iteration results

dim objargs

set objargs = wscript.Arguments

if (objArgs.Count = 1) then host = objargs(0)


' Create and Configuration GCX Channel:


set app = CreateObject("Agilentpna835x.application")

call SetupGCAX( parser,_

















               ShowIterations )

call CalGCAX( parser )


' GCAX Setup


sub SetupGCAX( parser, StartFreq, StopFreq, LOFreq, NumFreqs, EnableInterp, Scale, CompLevel, LinearPower,_

              AcqMode, BackOff, StartPower, StopPower, NumPowers, CompAlg, DwellTime, IFBAndwidth,_

              ShowIterations )

 dim chan, gca


 app.CreateCustomMeasurementEx 1, "Gain Compression Converters", "SC21", 1

 set chan = app.channels(1)

 dim converter

set converter = chan.Converter()

 chan.hold 1

 app.CreateCustomMeasurementEx 1, "Gain Compression Converters", "CompIn21", 1

 app.CreateCustomMeasurementEx 1, "Gain Compression Converters", "DeltaGain21", 1

 app.nawindows(1).traces(3).YScale = Scale

 app.nawindows(1).traces(3).ReferenceValue = -CompLevel

 set gca = chan.CustomChannelConfiguration

 gca.InputLinearPowerLevel = LinearPower

 gca.AcquisitionMode = AcqMode

 gca.CompressionLevel = CompLevel

 gca.CompressionBackoff = BackOff

 gca.CompressionDeltaX = BackOff

 gca.CompressionDeltaY = BackOff - CompLevel

 gca.CompressionAlgorithm = CompAlg

 gca.NumberOfPowerPoints = NumPowers

 gca.CompressionInterpolation = EnableInterp

 gca.SmartSweepSettlingTime = DwellTime

 gca.SmartSweepShowIterations = ShowIterations

 chan.IFBandwidth = IFBandwidth

 chan.DwellTime = DwellTime

 chan.StartPower = StartPower

 chan.StopPower = StopPower

 chan.TestPortPower(1) = LinearPower

 chan.StartFrequency = StartFreq

 chan.StopFrequency = StopFreq

 chan.NumberOfPoints = NumFreqs

 'set converter properties

converter.InputRangeMode = 0 ' swept

converter.LORangeMode(1) = 1 'fixed

converter.OutputRangeMode = 0 'swept

converter.InputStartFrequency = StartFreq

converter.InputStopFrequency = StopFreq

converter.LOFixedFrequency(1) = LOFreq

converter.LOName(1) = "Port 3"

converter.LOPower(1) = -10

converter.Calculate 2 'calculateOutput

chan.Single 1

end sub


' GCAX Calibration


sub CalGCAX( parser )

Dim CalMgr

Set CalMgr = app.GetCalManager


Set SMC = CalMgr.CreateCustomCal("SMC")

SMC.Initialize 1, 1

SMC.Do2PortEcal = 1 'specify 0 for mechanical cal, 1 for ecal

'use Factory Characterization

SMC.ECALCharacterization(1) = 0

SMC.OmitIsolation = 1

SMC.AutoOrient = 1

' 1- forward, 2-reverse, or Both

SMC.CalibrationPort = "1"

Dim steps

steps = SMC.GenerateSteps

Dim i

For i = 1 To steps

  MsgBox SMC.GetStepDescription(i)

  SMC.AcquireStep i


Dim calset

calset = SMC.GenerateErrorTerms

Msgbox("SMC Cal Complete!")

end sub

Last Modified:


Changed to converter property