Perform a Cal All Channels Calibration

This example sets up an SMC channel and a standard channel. It then performs a 'Cal All Channels' calibration which calibrates both channels.

Note: The example does NOT modify any path configuration settings.

See Also

CalibrateAllChannels Object

Converter Object

GuidedCalibration Object

Learn about Cal All

See other COM Examples

'Access the CalAllChannels object

Dim app

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

Dim mgr

Set mgr = app.GetCalManager

'Preset PNA


'********** Setup Channel 1, Window 1 **********

' Get a handle to the preset channel 1

set meas1=app.ActiveMeasurement

set chan1=app.ActiveChannel

set win1=app.ActiveNAWindow

'Modify stimulus settings

'Set IF Bandwidth to 1kHz

chan1.IFBandwidth = 1e3

'Set Center and Span Freq's to 1 GHz

chan1.CenterFrequency = 1e9

chan1.FrequencySpan = 1e9

'Set number of points to 11

chan1.NumberOfPoints = 11


'********** Setup SMC in Channel 2 in new window**********

app.CreateCustomMeasurementEx 2, "Scalar Mixer/Converter","SC21",2

Set smcChan = app.ActiveChannel

smcChan.NumberOfPoints = 11

smcChan.IFBandwidth = 1e3

' the rest are Mixer settings

dim mixer

set mixer = app.ActiveMeasurement

mixer.InputRangeMode = 0  'swept Input

mixer.InputStartFrequency = 3.6e9

mixer.InputStopFrequency = 3.9e9

mixer.LORangeMode(1) = 1  'fixed LO

mixer.LoFixedFrequency(1) = 1e9

mixer.LOPower(1) = 10

mixer.LOName(1) = "Port 3"

mixer.OutputSideband = 1 'Low side

mixer.Calculate 2  'Calc Output



'********** Setup CalAll Channel

Dim CalAll

Set CalAll = mgr.CalibrateAllChannels

'Reset Cal All settings


'Select the channels to cal

'VMC channels are not supported by Cal All.

CalAll.Channels = Array(1,2)


CalAll.IFBW = 1e3

'Set power level for port 1

CalAll.PowerLevel(1) = 0

'Set CalSet prefix. The channel number is appended to

'the User Cal set for each channel.

'If you don’t set this, only Cal Registers will be generated.

calAll.UserCalsetPrefix = "MyCalAll"

' Read unique Cal settings for Cal All channels

props = calAll.PropertyNames

msg = "calAll.PropertyNames:" & vbCrLf

For i = 0 to UBound(props)

  msg = msg & "  " & CStr(i) & ". " & props(i) & vbCrLf


resp = MsgBox(msg)

' We want "Enable Phase Correction"

' Now find valid settings

propName = "Enable Phase Correction"

uniqVal = calAll.PropertyValues (propName)

'returns 'false,true' make it true.

For i = 1 to UBound(uniqVal)

  MsgBox "calAll.PropertyValues (" & propName & ") = " & uniqVal(i)


calAll.PropertyValue(propName) = "true"


'********* 'Perform Guided Cal *******

' Get a handle to the GuidedCal object

Dim guidedcal

set guidedcal = calAll.GuidedCalibration

' Specify the DUT connectors

guidedcal.ConnectorType(1) = "APC 3.5 male"

guidedcal.ConnectorType(2) = "APC 3.5 male"

guidedcal.ConnectorType(3) = "Not used"

guidedcal.ConnectorType(4) = "Not used"

MsgBox "Connectors defined for Ports 1 and 2"

' Select the Cal Kit for each port being calibrated.

guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "85052D"

guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = "85052D"

MsgBox "Cal kits defined for Ports 1 and 2"

' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps

Numsteps = guidedcal.GenerateSteps

For i = 1 to Numsteps

  step = "Step " + CStr(i) + " of " + CStr(Numsteps)

  strPrompt = guidedCal.GetStepDescription(i)

  value = MsgBox(strPrompt, vbOKOnly, step)

  guidedCal.AcquireStep i


' Conclude the calibration


csets = calAll.GeneratedCalSets

For i = 0 to UBound(uniqVal)

 MsgBox (csets(i))



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