Perform a Guided Calibration using COM

This example uses the GuidedCalibration interface to perform either a 2-port or 4-port calibration.

Learn more about Reading and Writing Calibration data using COM.

See Other COM Example Programs

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save on the PNA hard drive as Calibrate.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.

Set pna = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")
Set calMgr = pna.GetCalManager
Set guidedCal = calMgr.GuidedCalibration
Set chan = pna.ActiveChannel
chanNum = chan.ChannelNumber
' Initialize guided cal to be performed on the active channel.
' The boolean argument of True indicates to store the cal only
' in the channel's calibration register.  If instead you wish
' to create a new calset that the new cal will get stored to,
' comment out this next line and uncomment the three lines below it.

guidedCal.Initialize chanNum, True
'Set calset = calMgr.CreateCalSet(chanNum)
'chan.SelectCalSet calset.GetGUID, True
'guidedCal.Initialize chanNum, False

' To perform 2-port cal, Uncomment the following
' Then comment the 4-port cal

' Do 2-port cal

' TwoPortGuidedCal

' Do 4-port cal


Sub TwoPortGuidedCal()
' Select the connectors

guidedCal.ConnectorType(1) = "APC 3.5 female"
guidedCal.ConnectorType(2) = "APC 3.5 male"
For i = 3 To pna.NumberOfPorts
guidedCal.ConnectorType(i) = "Not used"
value = MsgBox("Connectors defined for Ports 1 and 2")
' Select the Cal Kit for each port being calibrated.

guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "85052D"
guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = "85052D"

' To use an ECal module instead, comment out the above two lines

' and uncomment the appropriate lines below:

' Your ECal module must already be connected

' via USB to the PNA.

'guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 ECal"

'guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = "N4691-60004 ECal"

' Non-factory characterizations are specified as follows:

'guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 User 1 ECal"

' When two or more ECal modules with the same model number are connected

' also specify the serial number as follows:

'guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 ECal 01234"

' When Disk Memory ECal user characterizations are used,

' specify both the User char and the serial number as follows:

'guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 MyDskChar ECal 01234"


MsgBox("Cal kits defined for Ports 1 and 2")


' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps
numSteps = guidedCal.GenerateSteps
' Measure the standards, compute and apply the cal

End Sub

Sub FourPortGuidedCal()
' Select the connectors

guidedCal.ConnectorType(1) = "APC 3.5 female"
guidedCal.ConnectorType(2) = "APC 3.5 female"
guidedCal.ConnectorType(3) = "APC 3.5 female"
guidedCal.ConnectorType(4) = "APC 3.5 female"
' If a PNA which has more than 4 ports

For i = 5 To pna.NumberOfPorts
guidedCal.ConnectorType(i) = "Not used"
value = MsgBox("Connectors defined for Ports 1 to 4")
' Select the Cal Kit for each port being calibrated.

guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "85052D"
guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = "85052D"
guidedCal.CalKitType(3) = "85052D"
guidedCal.CalKitType(4) = "85052D"
' To use an ECal module instead, comment out the above four lines
' and uncomment the following four lines.
' Replace N4691-60003 with your own ECAL model followed by 'ECal'.
' Your ECal module must already be connected to a PNA USB port.
' See
above for ECal options

'guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "N4431-60003 ECal"
'guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = "N4431-60003 ECal"
'guidedCal.CalKitType(3) = "N4431-60003 ECal"
'guidedCal.CalKitType(4) = "N4431-60003 ECal"

value = MsgBox("Cal kits defined for Ports 1 to 4")
' Initiate the calibration

' If your selected cal kit is not a 4-port ECal module which can
' mate to all 4 ports at once, then you may want to choose which
' thru connections to measure for the cal.  You must measure at
' least 3 different thru paths for a 4-port cal (for greatest
' accuracy you can choose to measure a thru connection for all 6
' pairings of the 4 ports).  If you omit this command, the default
' is to measure from port 1 to port 2, port 1 to port 3, and
' port 1 to port 4.   For this example we select to measure
' from port 1 to port 2, port 2 to port 3, and port 2 to port 4.

portList = Array(1,2,2,3,2,4)
guidedCal.ThruPortList = portList
' Re-generate the connection steps to account for the thru changes

numSteps = guidedCal.GenerateSteps
' Measure the standards, compute and apply the cal

End Sub

Sub MeasureAndComplete(ByVal numSteps)
value = MsgBox("Number of steps is " + CStr(numSteps))

' Measure the standards
'The following series of commands shows that standards
'can be measured in any order. These steps acquire
'measurement of standards in reverse order.
'It is easiest to iterate through standards using
'a For-Next Loop.

For i = NumSteps To 1
step = "Step " + CStr(i) + " of " + CStr(numSteps)
strPrompt = guidedCal.GetStepDescription(i)
value = MsgBox(strPrompt, vbOKOnly, step)
guidedCal.AcquireStep i

' Conclude the calibration

MsgBox ("Cal is done!")
End Sub

Last Modified:


Edited for ECal options


Added any order to steps.