Perform a Guided Power Cal using Multiple Power Sensors

This example uses the following interfaces to perform a power calibration using two power sensors.

Learn more about Reading and Writing Calibration data using COM.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save on the PNA hard drive as Calibrate.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See Other COM Example Programs

set app = CreateObject("Agilentpna835x.application")


app.CreateMeasurement 1, "S11", 0, -1 ' create default S11 parameter

app.ActiveChannel.StartFrequency = 1e9

app.ActiveChannel.StopFrequency = 2e9

set calMgr = app.GetCalManager()

set guidedCal = calMgr.GuidedCalibration

guidedCal.Initialize 1, false

guidedCal.ConnectorType(1)="APC 3.5 male"

guidedCal.ConnectorType(2)= "APC 3.5 female"

guidedCal.CalKitType(1)= "N4691-60004 ECal"

guidedCal.CalKitType(2)="N4691-60004 ECal"

guidedCal.PerformPowerCalibration(2)= true

set sensors = guidedCal.GuidedCalibrationPowerSensors(2)

sensors.UseMultipleSensors = true

sensors.Item(1).Name = "pmar1"

sensors.Item(1).StartFrequency = 1e9

sensors.Item(1).StopFrequency = 1.5e9

sensors.Add "pmar2"

sensors.Item(2).StartFrequency = 1.5e9

sensors.Item(2).StopFrequency = 2e9

numSteps = guidedCal.GenerateSteps()

for i = 0 to numSteps-1

desc = guidedCal.GetStepDescription(i + 1)

msgbox desc

        guidedCal.AcquireStep(i + 1)

