Spectrum Analyzer

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as SA.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See Also

Spectrum Analyzer Object

See other COM Examples

' Demonstration of basic Spectrum Analyzer measurement setup using COM.

set pna=CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application","hostname")

set channel = Nothing

set sachannel = CreateSAMeasurement(pna)



' Create a Spectrum Analyzer measurement.

' Return the custom SA channel object.

Function CreateSAMeasurement(pna)

' Create a B measurement on channel 1


call pna.CreateCustomMeasurementEx(1,"Spectrum Analyzer","B")

set channel = pna.Channels(1)

set sachannel = channel.CustomChannelConfiguration

set CreateSAMeasurement = sachannel

' Set frequency range

channel.centerFrequency = 3.0E9

channel.FrequencySpan = 2.0E9

' Center frequency step size

' Set to Auto mode with CenterFrequencyStepSizeMode = naMANUAL|naAUTO

channel.CenterFrequencyStepSize  = 20E6

' RBW filter shape

' Choices are:

'   0 - naNoWindow

'   1 - naWindowFlatTop

'   2 - naWindowGaussian

'   3 - naWindowBlackman

'   4 - naWindowKaiser

sachannel.BandwidthShape = 4 ' naWindowKaiser

' Detector type

' Choices are:

'   0 - naDTAverage

'   1 - naDTSample

'   2 - naDTPeak

'   3 - naDTNormal

'   4 - naDTNegPeak

'   5 - naDTPeakSample

'   6 - naDTPeakAverage

sachannel.DetectorFunction = 2 ' naDTPeak

' Video averaging type

' Choices are:

'   0 - naPower

'   1 - naLog

'   2 - naVoltage

'   3 - naVoltageMax

'   4 - naVoltageMin

sachannel.VideoAveragingType = 3 ' naVoltageMax

avgcount = sachannel.VideoAveragingCount

' ADC Filter

sachannel.ADCFilter = 38E6

' RBW and VBW values

sachannel.ResolutionBW = 100E3

sachannel.VideoBW = 10E3

' RBW/VBW and Span/RBW ratios

sachannel.ResolutionBWVideoBWRatio = 1.23

sachannel.SpanResolutionBWRatio = 134

End Function

' Configure a Spectrum Analyzer measurement for Linear sweep mode on Port 1.

Sub SetupLinearSweep(sa)

portnum = 1

portlabel = "Port " & CStr(portnum)

' Turn Port 1 ON

channel.SourcePortMode(portnum) = 1 ' naSourcePortOn

'  Set Port 1 sweep type to Linear

' Choices are:

'   0 - naLinearSweep

'   3 - naCWTimeSweep

sa.SourceSweepType(portlabel) = 0 ' naLinearSweep

' Set start and stop frequencies

sa.SourceStartFrequency(portlabel) = 2E9

sa.SourceStopFrequency(portlabel) = 4E9

' Set 'Source Number of Steps'. This is the number of frequencies to use between start and stop (inclusive).

' This setting is channel-wide.

sa.SourcePointCount = 5

' Set 'SA Sweeps per Source Steps'. This is the number of sweeps to take at each measurement frequency.

' This setting is also channel-wide.

sa.SourceRepeatCount = 2

End Sub

' Configure a few of the Advanced Settings for SA.

Sub ConfigureAdvancedSettings(sa)

' Set the 'Image Reject' selection.

' Choices are:

'   0 - naIRNoneHigh

'   1 - naIRNoneLow

'   2 - naIRMin

'   3 - naIRNormal

'   4 - naIBetter

'   5 - naIRMax

sa.ImageRejectMethod = 5 ' naIRMax

' Enable display of ImageReject traces.

sa.EnableImageRejectTraces = 1 ' naON

' Enable point mode.

' This forces the number of display points to match the FFT point count.

sa.EnableDetectorBypass = 1 ' naON

End Sub