About Cal Sets

GetErrorTermList Method  Superseded


Note: This command is replaced by CalSet.getErrorTermList2

Returns the list of Error Terms contained in this Cal Set for the CalType specified in the OpenCal Set method. Learn more about reading and writing Cal Data using COM.

The list is a comma separated, textual representation of the error terms with the term name followed by the port path in parentheses:

Term (n, n),

Term (m,n)  

Before calling this method you must open the Cal Set with OpenCal Set.. If the Cal set is not open, this method returns E_NA_Cal Set_ACCESS_DENIED. 

Use StringToNAErrorTerm2 to convert the list entrees to values that can be used with GetErrorTerm and PutErrorTerm.

Note:  The port path designation (m n) indicates the ports that contribute to the error being compensated.  Directivity, source match and reflection tracking are single port characteristics, designated in this list by (n n) where n equals the port being characterized. 
Other terms characterize the interaction between ports. For example, the load match term is describing the match at port (m) while looking into port (n).  Thus the notation (m n) indicates the two ports that contribute to the loadmatch error.

VB Syntax

CalSet.GetErrorTermList (SetID, count, strList)


(Type) - Description


(object) -  A Cal Set object


(long) - specifies the error term set to query. Use 0 for the master set.


(long) - the number of error terms in the returned list


(string) -  comma separated list of error terms found in Cal Set

Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


dim count as Integer
dim list as string

(naCalType_TwoPortSOLT 1, 2)
GetErrorTermList( 0, count, list)

CloseCalSet( )

Assuming the cal set contained the full set of error terms for this two-port Cal, the returned list would be:

"Directivity(1 1),SourceMatch(1 1),ReflectionTracking(1 1),TransmissionTracking(2 1),LoadMatch(2 1),Isolation(2 1),Directivity(2 2),SourceMatch(2 2),ReflectionTracking(2 2),TransmissionTracking(1 2),LoadMatch(1 2),Isolation(1 2)"

C++ Syntax

HRESULT GetErrorTermList (long etermSetID, long* count, BSTR* strList);

