The programming information contained in this Help system is aimed at the Visual Basic programmer. VB does a lot of work for the programmer when it comes to managing and accessing components. Using a lower level language like C++ requires a more thorough understanding of the underlying tenets of COM. It is not the intent of this section to teach COM programming. The following is intended to acquaint you with some of the basic concepts you need to know in order to program against COM.
Note: The information in this section assumes development on a Windows OS using Microsoft tools.
Other Topics about COM Concepts
The first thing you must do before performing any COM transactions is to initialize the COM library. You can do this in a number of ways. The most basic of these is a call to CoInitialize( ) or CoIntializeEx( ). Alternatively you can use the MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) AfxOleInit( ).
Conversely, before your program exits you must uninitialize COM. You can accomplish this with CoUninitialize( ) or the MFC routine AfxOleTerm( ).
To make a component available to the client, the server exports what is called the type library. For the PNA, this file is 835x.tlb. It is located on the PNA's hard drive at C:/Program Files/ Keysight/ Network Analyzer/ Automation. See Configure for COM-DCOM Programming.
The type library can be read and deciphered using another COM interface called ITypeLib. VB uses this interface to present, for example, its object browser. Visual C++ can also read type libraries. This is done by importing the type library into your project with a compiler directive:
#import "C:/Program Files/Common Files/Keysight/Pna/835x.tlb", named_guids
When you compile your program with this statement in it, the compiler creates two other files: 835x.tlh and 835x.tli. The first is a header file that contains the type definitions for the PNA's COM interfaces and their methods. The second file contains inline functions that wrap the PNA's interface methods. The wrappers are beneficial in that they contain error reporting for each of the method calls.
The .tlh file defines a smart pointer which you can use to access the PNA's objects. The smart pointer definition looks like this:
_com_smartptr_typedef(Iapplication, _uuidof(Iapplication))
A smart pointer is a term used for a C++ object that encapsulates a pointer used to refer to a COM object. All COM objects derive from the interface IUnknown. This interface has three methods: QueryInterface( ), AddRef( ), and Release( ). The function of the AddRef and Release methods is to maintain a reference count on the object and thus control the object's lifetime. Anytime you copy or create a reference to a COM object, you are responsible for incrementing its reference count. And likewise, when you are finished using that reference, it is your responsibility to Release it. Smart pointers do this work for you, as shown in the example program. In addition, smart pointers will also perform the QueryInterface call when required. QueryInterface is a method that requests a specific interface from an object. In the example program we gain access to the IArrayTransfer interface of the Measurement object. In the ReadMethod routine, we see this:
PTransferData = pMeas;
The assignment operator is overloaded for the smart pointer and in reality, this simple statement does this:
HRESULT hr = pMeas->QueryInterface( IID_IArrayTransfer,(void**)&pTransferData);
Using the existing interface pointer (pMeas) to the object, this call asks the object if it supports the IArrayTransfer interface, and if so to return a pointer to it in pTransferData. Smart pointer makes life easier for the C++ programmer. Read more about smart pointers in Microsoft Developer's Network Library (MSDN).
The only createable object exported by the PNA is the Application object. Typically this would be done with a call to CoCreateInstance:
STDAPI CoCreateInstance(
CLSID__IApplication, //Class identifier (CLSID) of the object
NULL, //Pointer to controlling IUnknown
CLS_CTX_SERVER, //Context for running executable code
IID_IApplication, //Reference to the IID of the interface
(void**)&pNA //Address of output variable that receives
// the interface pointer requested in riid
With the smart pointer, this is taken care of with the following call:
IApplicationPtr pNA; // declare the smart pointer
pNA = IApplicationPtr("AgilentPNA835x.Application.1");
All COM method calls are required to return an HRESULT. This is 32 bit long with a specific format.
The most significant bit indicates success(0) or failure(1).
Visual Basic strips off the returned HRESULT and raises an error object for non-successful returns. The C++ programmer must himself be diligent about handling errors. You must check the return value of each COM call to ensure its success.
The Application object sources the INetworkAnalyzerEvents interface. This object is the source for all events. To use events in C++, you must do two things:
Implement the INetworkAnalyzerEvents interface - derive an object from INetworkAnalyzerEvents and implement the methods described there.
FindConnectionPoint( IID_InetworkAnalyzerEvents, &pConnection );
A successful call to this interface will return a valid pointer in pConnection. Use this pointer to subscribe to the Application object:
pConnect->Advise( IUnknown* punk, DWORD dwCookie);
This call provides the server object with a callback address. The Iunkown pointer in this call is the IUnkown pointer of the object that implements the INetworkAnalyzerEvents interface. This is the event sink. The application object needs a pointer to this object in order to call your interface when an event occurs. The dwCookie is your subscription key. Use it to unsubscribe (see Unadvise( ) ).
"MSDN" - Microsoft Developer's Network Library
"Learning DCOM", by Thuan L. Thai, published by O'Reilly(1999)
"Inside COM", by Dale Rogerson, published by Microsoft Press (1997)
"Understanding ActiveX and OLE", by David Chappell, also published by Microsoft Press (1996)
"Beginning ATL COM Programming", published by Wrox Press (1998)
The example uses the smart pointer created by Microsoft Visual Studio. The calls to CoInitialize and CoUninitialize open and close the COM libraries. In the example, notice that the pointers local to the main routine are explicitly released. When smart pointers go out of scope, they will perform this duty implicitly. However, we are calling CoUninitialize before they have the chance to be destroyed, so we are obliged to release them.
See the example program.