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About ECal User Characterization

InitializeEx Method


Note: This property replaces Initialize (ECal) Method.

Initiates a User Characterization of an ECal module.  The specified channel number must be an S-parameter measurement channel.  The channel must already be calibrated using the same, or greater number of PNA ports as the ECal module. Also, the calibrated PNA ports must begin with Port 1 and use sequential port numbers.

For characterizations that are to be saved to the ECal module, the User Characterization number must already be set before issuing this command using CharacterizationNumber Property. For characterizations that are to be saved to the PNA disk memory, setting the User Characterization number is not necessary.

After this command is executed, subsequent commands can be used to query the number of measurement steps, issue the acquisition commands, query the connection description strings, and subsequently complete an Ecal User characterization.

 VB Syntax

userChar.InitializeEx (chan,bool)


(Type) - Description


ECalUserCharacterizer (object)


(Long) Channel number of a calibrated S-parameter channel.


(Boolean) Choose from:

True  Check ECal memory to ensure that a new characterization with the channel’s current number of points will fit in the module memory. Select for User Characterizations to be stored in internal ECal memory.

False  Skip the check. Select for User Characterizations is to be stored to PNA disk memory.

Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable



C++ Syntax

HRESULT put_InitializeEx(long chanNum,VARIANT_BOOL bCheck);



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