Data Access Map

PutDataComplex Method


Puts complex data into the specified location. This method forces the channel into Hold mode to prevent the input data from being overwritten.

 VB Syntax

meas.putDataComplex location, data


(Type) - Description


A measurement (object)


(enum NADataStore) Where the Data will be put. Choose from:

0 - naRawData

1 - naCorrectedData

2 - naMeasResult - Valid ONLY when the display format is either Polar or Smith Chart.

3 - naRawMemory - See note below.

4 - naMemoryResult

5 - naDivisor - When reading data from, or writing data to, the normalization divisor, you must first create a divisor trace using DataToDivisor Method.


Note: When putting data into 3 - naRawMemory:

1. Put the analyzer in hold mode

2. Call DataToMemory to initialize a memory buffer

3. Call putDataComplex(naRawMemory, data)

This ensures that the memory buffer is appropriately initialized before receiving new data.


(variant) - A two-dimensional variant array.

Note: All buffers except naMeasResult and naMemoryResult require Complex data

Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


' Put 201 points worth of raw (complex) data into the measurement
' Note that an array of complex numbers is represented by a 2-D array where the first rank is the number of points, and the 2nd rank is always size 2 (max index 1) representing the Real and Imag parts of the complex number.

' complex array of data (2nd dimension of size 2 represents Re/Im

Dim data(200,1) )
For i = 0 to 200
' Set Real part of data point i

data(i,0) = i/200;
' Set Imag part of data point i

data(i,1) = i/200;
app.ActiveMeasurement.putDataComplex naRawData, data

C++ Syntax

HRESULT putDataComplex(tagNADataStore DataStore, VARIANT complexData)



Last Modified:


Added naMeasResult note (DS)