Data Access Map

PutDataScalar Method


Puts formatted variant scalar data into the measurement result buffer. The data will be immediately processed and displayed. Subsequent changes to the measurement state will be reflected on the display.

Always precede this command by setting the format on the measurement to be consistent with the format of the data being sent to the analyzer.  In this way, the display annotation will be correct.

Execution of this command does not change the display format.

 VB Syntax

meas.putDataScalar format, data


(Type) - Description


A measurement (object)


(enum NADataFormat) Format of the data. This value is presently ignored by the PNA. Data is always presented in the current format.

Choose from:

0 - naDataFormat_LinMag

1 - naDataFormat_LogMag

2 - naDataFormat_Phase

3 - naDataFormat_Polar

4 - naDataFormat_Smith

5 - naDataFormat_Delay

6 - naDataFormat_Real

7 - naDataFormat_Imaginary

8 - naDataFormat_SWR

9 - naDataFormat_PhaseUnwrapped

10 - naDataFormat_InverseSmith

11 - naDataFormat_Kelvin

12 - naDataFormat_Fahrenheit

13 - naDataFormat_Centigrade


  • The getData (variant) method includes a "format" argument, which allows scalar (one-dimensional) data. To put data back into the "raw" data buffer using this (putDataComplex) method, specify Polar format when using the getData method.

  • Phase format accepts data in radians (not degrees) and displays in degrees. To convert to degrees:    radians * (57.29577951308233) = degrees. The getData method returns degrees if the request is for phase data.


(variant) - A 1-dimension array of single precision floating point numbers.

Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


' Put 201 points worth of scalar data into the measurement
' 200 is max index, so 0 to 200 is 201 points

Dim data(200) ' array of 201 (scalar) data points
' Fill the array

For i = 0 to 200
data(i) = i/200;
app.ActiveMeasurement.putDataScalar 0, data

C++ Syntax

HRESULT putDataScalar(tagNADataStore DataStore, VARIANT scalarArray)



Last Modified:


Added temperature formats