About Save/Recall

Save Method


Saves the appropriate content to the hard drive depending on the extension that is provided.

Some saved files can be recalled using app.Recall. depending on the content.

 VB Syntax



(Type) - Description


An Application (object)


(string) - Full path, file name, and extension of the file.

Files are typically stored in "c:\users\public\network analyzer\documents"

Use one of the following extensions:

  • .cst - Saves both Instrument State and Cal Set reference - Recalls a calibrated measurement. (Recallable)

  • .sta - Saves Instrument State only - recalls the instrument state without calibration. (Recallable)

  • .cal - Calibration file – saves the active Cal Sets currently in use by any channel. Use this mode for archival purposes only. All Cal Sets are saved to a Cal Set data file. This mode provides a method of safeguarding calibration data. This data can be restored to the list of Cal Sets available in the instrument. (Recallable)

  • .csa - Saves both instrument state AND actual calibration data, not a reference pointer to the Cal Set.

  • .prn - Saves active trace in comma-separated format (not recallable)

  • .bmp - Saves a Bitmap of the screen (not recallable)

  • .s1p - Saves 1-port measurement data

  • .s2p - Saves 2-port measurement data

  • .s3p - Saves 3-port measurement data

  • .s4p - Saves 4-port measurement data

Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


app.Save("C:/Program Files/Keysight/Network Analyzer/Documents/Newfolder/MyState.cst") 'Saves "mystate.cst" to the specified folder

C++ Syntax

HRESULT Save(BSTR bstrFile)

