About Source Power Cal

SetCalInfo2 Method (for source power cals) - Superseded


This command is replaced by SetCalInfoEx Method

Specifies the technique, the channel, and the source port to be used for the source power calibration about to be performed.

 VB Syntax

powerCalibrator.SetCalInfo2 calMethod, channel, sourcePort, [powerOffset,] [display]


(Type) - Description


(object) - A SourcePowerCalibrator3 object


(enum NASourcePowerCalMethod)  Selects the calibration method to be used for the source power cal acquisition.

0 - naPowerMeter  Power Meter is used for all readings. (same as "fast iteration" box not checked on dialog box)

1 - naPowerMeterAndReceiver  Power meter for the first iteration; then use the reference receiver for remaining readings if necessary (same as "fast iteration" box checked on dialog box)


(long integer) - Number of the PNA channel (not power meter channel) on which the source power cal will be performed.  If the channel does not already exist, it will be created.


(long integer) - Port number on which the source power cal will be performed.


(double) - Optional argument. Sets or returns a power level offset from the PNA test port power. This can be a gain or loss value (in dB) to account for components you connect between the source and the reference plane of your measurement. For example, specify 10 dB to account for a 10 dB amplifier at the input of your DUT. Following the calibration, the PNA power readouts are adjusted by this value. This argument performs the same function as chan.SourcePowerCalPowerOffset Property


(boolean)  Optional argument. Enables and disables the display of power readings on the PNA screen. After the source power cal data is acquired, this setting is reset to ON. If unspecified, value is set to ON.

True - Display of power readings is ON

False - Display of power readings is OFF

Return Type



Not Applicable


powerCalibrator.SetCalInfo2 naPowerMeter, 1, 1, -10, True

C++ Syntax

HRESULT SetCalInfo2( tagNASourcePowerCalMethod enumCalMethod, long Channel, long SourcePort, double PowerOffset = 0., VARIANT_BOOL bDisplay = VARIANT_TRUE);

