CalKit Object


The calkit object provides the properties and methods to access and modify a calibration kit.

Accessing a CalKit object

The active cal kit is the kit that is selected for use in Unguided calibrations.  To get a handle to the active kit, use the app.ActiveCalKit property.  To access the CalKit object for a specific cal kit, you must first make that kit the active kit using app.CalKitType.

The CalKit object behaves differently from other objects in that you can only have a handle to one cal kit -- the active cal kit. Therefore, when you change the CalKitType from either the Application object or the CalKit object, you may also be changing the object to which you may have other references.

For example, the following example specifies two CalKit type objects and in turn, assigns them to two different variables: ck1 and ck2.

Dim app As AgilentPNA835x.Application
Dim ck1 As calKit
Dim ck2 As calKit

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application", <analyzerName>)
app.CalKitType = naCalKit_User1
Set ck1 = app.ActiveCalKit
ck1.Name = "My CalKit1"

app.CalKitType = naCalKit_User2
Set ck2 = app.ActiveCalKit
ck2.Name = "My CalKit2"

Print "ck1: " & ck1.Name
Print "ck2: " & ck2.Name

When the pointer to each of these kits is read (printed), they each have a pointer to the last kit to be assigned to the active cal kit:

ck1: My CalKit2
ck2: My CalKit2

See Also:

(Bold Methods or Properties provide access to a child object)




Returns a handle to a calibration standard for modifying its definitions.


Returns the calibration standard numbers for a specified calibration class.


Sets the calibration standard numbers for a specified calibration class




Sets or returns the calibration kit type to be used for calibration or for kit modification.

Shared with the Application object.


Sets and returns the name of the cal kit


Labels the ports for the kit; only affects the cal wizard annotation.


Superseded with  Use GetStandardForClass and SetStandardForClass.

Maps a standard device to a cal class.


ICalKit History


Introduced with PNA Rev:

