About Cal Sets

Item Property


Add or change a name-value pair in the Cal Set, or read the value associated with a name.

After editing, Save the CalSet to the PNA.

About Name-Value pairs

A Cal Set name-value pair is a general purpose data structure that maps a name to a value. This property allows you to associate a name with a value. Then, using this same property, you can read the value using the name.

For example, one of the items added by the PNA firmware to every Cal Set is named  'Created By'. The value attached to this item is the name of the PNA App that created the Cal Set. When an SMC cal is performed, you can query the Cal Set for the 'Create By' item, and it will return 'Scalar Mixer/Converter'. The same query on an NFx channel returns 'Noise Figure Converters'.

Warning - Do NOT change the name or value of any Items that you did NOT create. Otherwise, the PNA firmware may behave unpredictably.

See Also

EnumerateItems Method

RemoveItem Method

VB Syntax

CalSet.Item (name) = value


(Type) - Description


(object) -  A Cal Set object


(String) - Name of the name-value pair.


(Variant) - Can be an integer, float, double, string, or a single-dimensioned array of integer, float, double, string.

Return Type



Not Applicable


' Create the pna object

Dim pna

Set pna = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

' Get a handle to the calsets collection

Dim calsets

Set calsets = pna.GetCalManager.calsets

' Get a handle to the cal set to be edited

Dim MyCalSet

Set MyCalSet = calsets.Item("CalSet_1")

' Add a name-value pair(item) to MyCalSet


' Save the edited Cal Set to the PNA


' Loop thru the name-value pairs in the Cal Set

Dim CSetItems

CSetItems = MyCalSet.EnumerateItems

for i=lbound(CSetItems) to Ubound(CSetItems)

  ' List the item names in MyCalSet

  Dim name

  name = CSetItems(i)

  wscript.echo name

  ' List the value for each item name

  Dim value

  value = myCalSet.Item(name)

  wscript.echo value


' Delete the new name-value pair


C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_Item( BSTR name, VARIANT *value);

HRESULT put_Item( BSTR name, VARIANT value);



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