This program configures several Swept IMDx parameters using power sweep. In this configuration, tone power is swept from -20 dBm to -5 dBm while the Input, LO, and Output frequencies are fixed as follows:
Input center freq= 2.50 GHz
Tone Delta freq = 10 MHz (f1 = 2.495 GHz and f2 = 2.505 GHz).
LO freq = 2.00 GHz
Output freq = 4.50 GHz
This program also allows you to optionally load a .mxr file to perform mixer setup.
To run this program without error, an external source named 'PSG' must be connected to drive the LO.
This program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save on the PNA hard drive as IMDX.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.
See Other SCPI Example Programs
Dim app Dim scpi Dim err ' 'Create / Get the PNA application. Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application") Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser ' 'Preset the system scpi.parse "SYST:FPR" scpi.parse "DISP:WIND1:STAT ON" ' 'Create an IMDX measurement in Channel 1 and display it as trace 1 in window 1 scpi.parse "CALC1:CUST:DEF 'ch1IMDX', 'Swept IMD Converters', 'PwrMain'" scpi.parse "DISP:WIND1:TRAC1:FEED 'ch1IMDX'" ' 'Put the channel in trigger hold scpi.parse "SENS:SWE:MODE HOLD" scpi.parse "SENS:IMD:SWE:TYPE POW" 'Put the channel in trigger hold and setup all the mixer parameters scpi.parse "SENS1:SWE:MODE HOLD" scpi.parse "SENS1:IMD:SWE:TYPE POW" scpi.parse "SENS1:MIX:INP:FREQ:MODE FIXED" scpi.parse "SENS1:MIX:LO:FREQ:MODE FIXED" scpi.parse "SENS1:MIX:OUTP:FREQ:MODE FIXED" scpi.parse "SENS1:MIX:INP:FREQ:FIX 2500000000" scpi.parse "SENS1:MIX:LO:FREQ:FIX 2000000000" scpi.parse "SENS1:MIX:OUTP:FREQ:SID HIGH" scpi.parse "SENS1:MIX:CALC OUTP" scpi.Parse "SENS:MIX:APPLY" 'First apply the settings, then set LO Name scpi.Parse "SENS:MIX:LO:NAME 'PSG'" scpi.parse "SENS1:MIX:LO:POW 10" scpi.Parse "SENS:MIX:APPLY"
'Optionally, put the channel in hold and load an 'existing .mxr file with all the mixer settings 'scpi.parse "SENS1:SWE:MODE HOLD" 'scpi.parse "SENS1:MIX:LOAD 'c:\users\public\network analyzer\documents/Mixer/IMD/Ch1.mxr'" ' 'Make additional IMD settings scpi.parse "SENS1:IMD:TPOW:COUP:STAT ON" scpi.parse "SENS1:IMD:TPOW:F1:STAR -20" scpi.parse "SENS1:IMD:TPOW:F1:STOP -5" scpi.parse "SENS1:IMD:FREQ:DFR:CW 10000000" scpi.parse "SENS1:SWE:POIN 201" scpi.parse "SENS1:imd:ifbw:main 1000" scpi.parse "SENS1:imd:ifbw:imt 500" scpi.parse "SOUR1:POW2:AMPL -5" ' 'Create additional measurements in the channel scpi.parse "CALC1:CUST:DEF 'ch1IMDX2', 'Swept IMD Converters', 'IM3'" scpi.parse "DISP:WIND1:TRAC2:FEED 'ch1IMDX2'" scpi.parse "CALC1:CUST:DEF 'ch1IMDX3', 'Swept IMD Converters', 'OIP3'" scpi.parse "DISP:WIND1:TRAC3:FEED 'ch1IMDX3'" scpi.parse "CALC1:CUST:DEF 'ch1IMDX4', 'Swept IMD Converters', 'IIP3'" scpi.parse "DISP:WIND1:TRAC4:FEED 'ch1IMDX4'" scpi.parse "CALC1:CUST:DEF 'ch1IMDX5', 'Swept IMD Converters', 'ToneGain'" scpi.parse "DISP:WIND1:TRAC5:FEED 'ch1IMDX5'" ' 'Take a single sweep to apply all stimulus changes scpi.parse "*cls;*ese 1" scpi.parse "sens1:swe:mode SING;*OPC?" ' 'Check for errors err=scpi.parse ("SYST:ERR?") MsgBox(err) |
Last Modified:
8-Mar-2012 |
Updated LO name order (ZW) |
21-Sep-2010 |
Fixed error |
15-Jul-2010 |
MX New topic |