SCPI Control of USB and GPIB Devices Connected to a PNA

See GPIB Devices below.

USB Devices

The following procedure is the USB equivalent of the PNA "GPIB Pass-Through" feature. This allows you to send SCPI commands from a remote PC to a USB device (such as a USB power sensor) that is connected to the PNA.

The PC must have the Keysight I/O Libraries installed.

  1. On the PNA, press System, then [Configure], then [SICL/GPIB], then SICL Enabled.

  2. On your PC, start Keysight Connection Expert (ACE) which is the wizard for Keysight I/O Libraries.

  3. In the ACE dialog, click Add Interface.

  4. Click Remote USB then click Add.

  1. In the Remote USB Interface dialog (shown above), do EITHER of the following:

On the PC, the new USB interface in ACE should show the USBTMC-compliant devices (such as the U2000-Series sensors) that are connected to that PNA. In the above dialog, the VISA interface ID is USB2. Therefore, a VISA program on the PC could send commands to the sensor that is connected to the PNA at the VISA resource string beginning with USB2::<interface>.

The above image shows a portion of the ACE dialog after adding the remote USB interface.  

  1. Right-click on the device you want to communicate with (U2000A in this example) then click Send Commands To This Instrument.

  1. Type a command, then click Send Command or Read Response.

SCPI Control of GPIB Devices Connected to a PNA

Access the PNA GPIB System Controller port from your PC as though it were a local GPIB card on your PC. 

This allows you to send SCPI commands from a remote PC to a GPIB device such as a Power Meter, that is connected to the PNA.

The PC must have the Keysight I/O Libraries installed.

  1. On the PNA, press System, then [Configure], then [SICL/GPIB], then SICL Enabled.

  2. On your PC, start Keysight Connection Expert (ACE) which is the wizard for Keysight I/O Libraries.

  3. In the ACE dialog, click Add Interface.

  4. Click Remote GPIB then click Add.

In the above dialog, use the default settings EXCEPT where specified here:

Then access the PNA GPIB System Controller port using the SICL interface ID shown in the dialog (gpib1 in above dialog image).

For example, with a power meter at address 13, you would open a VISA session on the PC to GPIB1::13::INSTR and then send commands to it while the device is connected to the PNA Controller port. 

Important: Close any open VISA session handles to that interface before the PNA controls device.  

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