The waveform parameter section provides specific control over the waveform as it is being built. You can set the waveform size and sample rate if necessary or they can mirror the spectrum for external up or down conversion.
These parameters require a Download to update the signal. |
The name assigned to the waveform segment stored in the arbitrary waveform generator. The Waveform Name can contain up to 22 alpha numeric characters. The name can also contain the following special characters: _ $ & # + - [ ]. The waveform name is not case sensitive.
Multiple waveforms can be stored in the arbitrary waveform generator. Just change the waveform name before each download. The different waveforms can be played back by changing the waveform name and executing Play.
Choices: Manual | Auto
Default: Auto
The software automatically calculates the sample rate and waveform size
needed to generate the desired signal during a Download.
Manual – allows the user to set the sample rate and waveform size. Selecting manual requires you to set the Sample Rate and Waveform Size to achieve the desired Tone Spacing.
Auto – automatically calculates the sample rate and waveform size.
The waveform size and sample rate determine the frequency resolution and maximum tone and/or correction frequency. Overriding the sample rate and waveform size can result in errors when downloading the waveform. Be sure the sample rate is greater than two times the highest frequency in your signal. |
Tone Frequency Resolution = Sample Rate / Waveform Size.
Range: 500 kHz to 1.25 GHz
Default: System dependent
Displays the sample rate used to generate the NPR signal. The sample rate is automatically determined by the application during a Download.
When Sample Rate Calculation is set to Manual, enter a sample rate and waveform size.
Sample Rate Calculation
Tone Spacing
Range: 60 to 64000000
Default: 25000
Displays the number of points used to generate the waveform. The waveform size is automatically determined by the application during a Download.
When Sample Rate Calculation is set to Manual, enter a sample rate and waveform size.
You may receive system out of memory errors for waveforms sizes greater than 4M points. Large waveforms require a PC that is configured with more than 2 GBytes of RAM. |
Sample Rate Calculation
Tone Spacing
Choices: Internal | External
Default: Internal
Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the Sample Clock Source.
The Sample Clock source cannot be set to external unless Sample Rate Calculation is set to Manual. Instruments using internal arbs must have Option HEC for this parameter to function.
Do not select external clock source for the N603xA or N824xA wideband Arb without an appropriate clock connected. Selecting external clock with no clock present causes the N603xA/N824xA Arb to reset.
This parameter is not available with all instrument model numbers and may be grayed out. |
Choices: On | Off
Default: Off
Double-click or use the drop-down menu to swap the I and Q waveforms. This parameter is used during the correction operation to account for low side upconversion between the signal generator and the spectrum analyzer.
See also External Upconversion and Downconversion Procedure.
Range: -10 ns to +10 ns
Default: 0 ps
Enter a value to skew the I waveform data relative to the Q waveform data in order to minimize images. The skew is built in to the waveform data.
See also Optimize the Signal Before Corrections.
This parameter requires a Download or Play to update the parameter value. |
Range: -2 dB to +2 dB
Default: 0 dB
Enter a value to scale the I waveform data relative to the Q waveform data in order to minimize images. The scale is built in to the waveform data.
See also Optimize the Signal Before Corrections.
This parameter requires a Download or Play to update the parameter value. |