
User Calibration

Other topics about Calibration

User calibration can be performed only when “42942A Terminal Adapter (7mm 42942A / 42942A Extension)” or “42941A Impedance Probe (PROBE 42941A / 42941A Extension)” is selected in the adapter selection.

User Calibration Procedure

Perform user calibration as follows:

  1. Press Cal to display the Calibration Menu.

  2. Select calibration (compensation) data acquisition points in accordance with Selecting Calibration/Compensation Data Points.

  3. Press User Cal to display the User Calibration Menu.

  4. If required, set user-defined standard values in accordance with Defining Standard Values for User Calibration.

  5. Press Execute Cal to display the Calibration Execution Menu.

  6. Connect the OPEN standard to the port (plane) where you want to perform user calibration.

  7. Press Open to start OPEN calibration data measurement. When OPEN calibration data measurement is completed, the softkey label changes to Open √.

  8. Remove the OPEN standard from the port. Then, connect the SHORT standard to the port.

  9. Press Short to start SHORT calibration data measurement. When the SHORT calibration data measurement is completed, the softkey label changes to Short √.

  10. Remove the SHORT standard from the port. Then, connect the LOAD standard to the port.

  11. Press Load to start LOAD calibration data measurement. When LOAD calibration data measurement is completed, the softkey label changes to Load √.

  12. Press Done to start calculating the calibration coefficient from the measured OPEN, SHORT, and LOAD standard data. The coefficient is automatically saved to the internal memory.

  13. During the calibration data measurement, the message Sweeping... is displayed in the instrument state area at the bottom-left of the screen.

  14. Press Cancel to cancel the user calibration process. If the user calibration process is canceled, the previously obtained data can be used as the available user calibration coefficient.

Turning User Calibration On/Off

The user calibration function is automatically turned on after completing user calibration data measurement. However, you can turn this function on or off as required.

  1. Press Cal > User Cal to display the User Calibration Menu.

  2. Press Correction > ON|OFF to make the user calibration available (ON) or not available (OFF) for measurement.

Defining Standard Values for User Calibration

You can define standard values of OPEN, SHORT, and LOAD for user calibration. Figure below shows the circuit models of the user calibration kit for the Keysight E4990A.

Each calibration’s standard value can be confirmed and changed as follows:

  1. Press the Cal > User Cal > Define Value to display the Calibration Data Definition Menu.

  2. Select one of the calibration data definition keys, Open Conduct (G), Open Cap (C), Short Resist (R), Short Induct (L), Load Resist (R), Load Induct (L), or Load Cap (C), to confirm or set the calibration data definition.

  3. Enter the desired value to specify the calibration data definition.