Calculating Several Traces (Equation Editor)

Other topics about Analysis and Processing of Result


Equation Editor allows you to enter an algebraic equation of standard mathematical operators and functions, referencing data that is available in the E4991B. Once a valid equation is entered and enabled, the display of the active trace is replaced with the results of the equation, and updated in real-time as new data is acquired.  For equations that can be expressed with Equation Editor's supported functions, operators, and data, there is no need for off-line processing in a separate program.

For example, on entering the equation "Z=ACV/ACI" in the E4991B Equation Editor (2c in the Figure below), the resulting trace is computed as each ACV data divided by ACI, that resulting trace is as same as absolute Z. For a 201 point sweep setup, the computation is repeated 201 times, once for each point.

Using Equation Editor

The step-by-step procedure of using Equation Editor is described below:

Equation Editor Dialog box

  1. Select a trace in which you want to enter the equation and activate the trace.

  2. Activating a trace is required as Equation Editor works on traces.

  1. Follow the steps below to enter an equation:

  1. Press Display.

  2. Click Equation Editor (1 in the figure above). The Equation Editor dialog box appears.

  3. Enter an equation in the equation field (4 in the figure above).

  4. Referring to traces in a different channel is NOT available with Equation Editor on the E4991B.

  5. The equation can be entered with the software keyboard enabled by selecting Keyboard... (3 and 3a in the figure above).

  1. Follow the steps below to apply the defined equation. When a valid equation is entered, the Equation Enabled check box becomes available for checking.

  1. Check Equation Enabled (√) check box (2a in the figure above).

  2. Click Apply. The equation becomes visible and annotation of [Equ] (2b in the figure above) is displayed in the trace title area.

  3. Click Close to hide the dialog box.

  4. The equation can also be applied by selecting Display > Equation [ON] (2 in the figure above).

  5. If error correction is not turned ON, then the raw, uncorrected data is used in the equation trace.

  6. As for E4991B, an equation is always valid.

The data trace of measured channel is always measured in E4991B. The equation might be invalid when referring to a memory trace and the memory trace isn't displayed.

Equation Editor Examples

The following examples may help you in getting started with Equation Editor. Input the equation example in the equation field (4 in Equation Editor dialog box).



Equation Example

Add 50 Ω offset on Trace 1



See the internal data processing for  equation editor data processing position.

Equation History

Equation Editor has the capability to save and recall all previously defined equations. All equations can be viewed in the Equation History dialog box.

To view the equations in the list, follow this procedure:

  1. Open Equation Editor by Display > Equation Editor.

  2. Enter an equation and click Apply in the Equation Editor Dialog box to save the defined equation in the directory of the E4991B. To view a list of saved equations, click the ... button (5 in Equation Editor Dialog box) to open the Equation History dialog box.

  1. To edit the equations in the list, click Edit History. The text file of history list is opened with Notepad.

  1. The History List is stored as a text file D:\Instrument\Equation\history.txt and can save a maximum of 50 lines (equations) with a maximum of 254 characters per line (equation).

Functions and Constants

The following table describes the different functions and constant available in the E4991B Equation Editor. In the following table:

Basic Math Functions



abs(complex a)

returns the sqrt(a.re2+a.im2)

acos(scalar a)

returns the arc cosine of a in radians

asin(scalar a)

returns the arc sine of a in radians

atan(scalar a)

returns the arc tangent of a in radians

atan2(complex a)

returns the phase of a = (re, im) in radians

atan2(scalar a, scalar b)

returns the phase of (a, b) in radians

conj(complex a)

returns the conjugate of a

cos(complex a)

takes a in radians and returns the cosine

cpx(scalar a, scalar b)

returns a complex value (a+ib) from two scalar values

exp(complex a)

returns the exponential of a

im(complex a)

returns the imaginary part of a as the scalar part of the result (zeroes the imaginary part)

ln(complex a)

returns the natural logarithm of a

log10(complex a)

returns the base 10 logarithm of a

mag(complex a)

returns sqrt(a.re2+a.im2)

phase(complex a)

returns atan2(a) in degrees

pow(complex a,complex b)

returns a to the power b

re(complex a)

returns the scalar part of a (zeroes the imaginary part)

sin(complex a)

takes a in radians and returns the sine

sqrt(complex a)

returns the square root of a, with phase angle in the half-open interval (-π/2, π/2)

tan(complex a)

takes a in radians and returns the tangent






scalar(x)       -> complex(x,0)

complex(x,y) -> scalar(x)

Operators used in Equation Editor














Open parenthesis


Close parenthesis


Comma - separator for arguments


Equal (optional)


Exponent (as in 23.45E6)

  1. ^

  2. *, /

  3. +, -