Selecting Calibration/Compensation Frequency Points

You can choose the type of frequency points to use in obtaining user calibration data and fixture compensation data as follows:

  1. Press the Cal > Compen Point > Fixed freq|User freq to select the measurement points used for user calibration or those for fixture compensation.


Calibration/Compensation Points

Fixed freq

Obtain calibration/compensation data at fixed frequency points covering the entire frequency range of the E4991B. In device measurement, user calibration or fixture compensation is applied to each measurement point by using interpolation. Even if the measurement points are changed by altering the sweep setups, you don't need to retake the calibration/compensation data.

User freq

Obtain calibration/compensation data at the same frequency points as used in actual device measurement, which are determined by the sweep setups. Each set of calibration/compensation data is applied to each measurement at the same point.

If measurement points are changed by altering the sweep setups, calibration/compensation data become invalid and calibration/compensation data acquisition is again required.

List of Fixed Calibration/Compensation Frequency Points

When the fixed frequency points for user calibration and fixture compensation are selected (Compen Point > Fixed freq), calibration/compensation is performed at the following conditions. Total 248 points are measured.

Other topics about Calibration