Printing Displayed Screen

Other topics about Data Output


By connecting a printer to the USB port of the E4991B, you can print the displayed screen of the E4991B.

Printed/Saved Images

The display image saved in the volatile memory (clipboard) is printed/saved. If no image is saved in the clipboard, the image displayed at the time of print execution is printed/saved.

Saving image to clipboard

The System key also has a screen capture feature. When you press System key, the image displayed on the screen immediately before pressing is saved in the clipboard.

Print Procedure

Preparation before printing

Follow these steps to prepare for printing:

  1. Turn ON the printer and connect it to E4991B.

  2. Turn ON the E4991B.

  3. Press System key.

  4. Press Printer Setup. The Printers window opens. The icons of the printers that have been connected are displayed in the window. When you connect a print for the first time, it is automatically registered and its icon is added in the window.

  5.  The printer with the check mark () on its icon is selected as the default printer for printing. If you want to change it, select (highlight) the icon of your preferred printer in the Printers window and then click Set as Default Printer in the File menu.

  6. Right click the printer that selected for printing and then click Printing Preferences in the menu. The Printing Preferences dialog box for the selected printer appears. Set items necessary before printing such as Page Size and then click the OK button.

  7. Click Close in the File menu.

Executing print

Follow these steps to print the screen information:

  1. Display the screen you want to print.

  2. Press System key to save the currently displayed screen onto the clipboard.

  3. As necessary, press Invert Image to toggle between [OFF] for printing in colors close to the actually displayed screen and [ON] for printing in inverse colors.

  4. Click Print to start printing.

  5. If you start printing when the printer is not ready (for example, it is not turned ON) by mistake, the Printers Folder dialog box may appear. In this case, click Cancel to close the Printers Folder dialog box, prepare your printer, and then start printing again.

  6. When you abort the printing, click cancel in the Printers Folder dialog box.