Initializing Parameters

The E4991B has three different initial settings as shown below.

Initial Setting

Restore method

Preset state

Press Preset on the front panel, one message will prompt as below and then click OK.

"Factory preset (default) DOES NOT change "Measurement Mode", "Accessory" type and DC Output@Hold from the current setting.

User preset DOES change "Measurement Mode", "Accessory" type and DC Output@Hold to what you saved as the "UserPres" file previously.

Check the menu under [Cal] key whether proper type is selected for your new measurements.

You can change Factory/User preset type selection, and choose to show or not to show this dialog under [System] > {Misc Setup} > {Preset Setup} menu."


Execute the :SYST:PRES command.

*RST state

Execute the *RST command.

Factory default setting

 E4991B factory (default) settings.

The user can set items to be preset freely. For more information, see Setting the user preset function.

Other topics about Setting Measurement Conditions