Setting Source

Other topics about Setting Measurement Conditions

Setting Fixed Frequency at OSC/DC Bias Sweep

Follow the steps below to specify a fixed frequency for the signal source when the sweep parameter is any item other than frequency (i.e., oscillator level or DC bias).

  1. Press Sweep Setup.

  2. Press CW Freq and input the desired fixed frequency value.

Selecting Unit for Oscillator Level (Voltage, Current or Power)

  1. Press Sweep Setup > OSC Level to display the oscillator level settings menu.

  2. Press OSC Unit and select your desired oscillator level from the Voltage | Current | Power option.

    1. The unit specified for oscillator level through the steps above will be applied to the unit for oscillator level sweep (voltage level sweep, current level sweep or power level sweep) and the unit for the fixed oscillator level when sweeping parameters other than oscillator level. The setting for the unit will not affect the setting for the signal source level monitoring function, since the function displays both voltage and current levels.
    2. Settings of the unit for oscillator level are commonly applied to every traces in a channel. Hence, you do not need to select and verify an active trace before setting.

Setting Oscillator Level

  1. Press Sweep Setup > OSC Level to display the oscillator level settings menu.

  2. The Voltage Level , Current Level or Power Level is enabled depending on your oscillator selection. For example, if you have selected OSC Unit > Voltage, then Voltage Level is enabled. then, press the Voltage Level and input the desired voltage level value.

Setting and Applying DC Bias

Follow the steps below to apply DC bias to DUT, regardless of whether you plan to sweep by DC bias.

Selecting DC bias mode

  1. Press Sweep Setup > DC Bias > DC Bias Mode to display the DC bias mode selection options.

  2. Select one of the DC bias mode, either Voltage or Current.

Setting fixed DC bias level

When the sweep parameter is not DC bias, select the DC bias mode and then follow the steps below to set DC bias level.

  1. Press Sweep Setup > DC Bias to display the DC bias selection options.

  2. The Voltage Level or Current Level is enabled depending on your DC bias mode selection. For example, if you have selected DC Bias > DC Bias Mode > Voltage, then Voltage Level is enabled. then, press the Voltage Level and input the desired voltage level value.

Setting limits for DC voltage

Follow the steps below to set limit values for the voltage or current in order to protect the DUT being measured.

  1. Press Sweep Setup.

  2. Press DC Bias > Limit Voltage | Limit Current  and input the limit value.

Turning DC bias ON or OFF

  1. Press Sweep Setup.

Press DC Bias > DC Bias State and toggle between the ON|OFF selection to turn ON/OFF the DC bias state.  

DC bias OFF during Hold State

DC bias source can be turned off during hold state. This status is kept after the preset.

  1. Press System.

  2. Press Service Menu >  DC Output @Hold and toggle between ON and OFF.