:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SCOPe {ALL|ACTive}
This command sets/gets the effective scope of triggering. When this function is enabled with a value of "ACTive", only active channel is triggered. When this function is enabled with a value of "ALL", all channels of the E4991B are triggered.
For example, if TRIGger.SCOPe value is "ACTive" when :INIT:CONT command is turned ON for all channels, a measurement channel will automatically be changed by switching over the active channel.
Parameter |
Selection Option |
Description |
Trigger source |
Data Type |
Character string type (String) |
Range |
ALL|ACTive |
Preset Value |
Unit |
- |
Resolution |
- |
Dim Var as String
Var= "ALL"
Ana.WriteString ":TRIG:SCOP" & Var, True
Ana.WriteString ":TRIG:SCOP?", True
Trigger > Trigger Scope