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This sample program demonstrates the following operation.
Activate Marker 1.
Search Max point.
Display the marker value in the echo window.
To use this sample:
Copy the following code into a Notepad file.
Save the file on the analyzer storage in the D: folder. Name the file as "echoMarker.vbs"
Double-click the file to execute.
dim ana
set ana = CreateObject("E4991.Application")
ana.scpi.display.table.state = true
ana.scpi.display.table.type = "echo"
ana.scpi.calculate.selected.marker(1).state = true
ana.scpi.calculate.selected.marker(1).function.type ="maximum"
axisx = ana.scpi.calculate.selected.marker(1).x.data
axisy = ana.scpi.calculate.selected.marker(1).y
ana.scpi.display.echo.data = cstr(axisx)
ana.scpi.display.echo.data = cstr(axisy(0))