Limit Test

The limit test feature allows you to set the limit line for each trace and then perform the pass/fail judgment for the measurement result.

Other topics about Data Analysis

Concept of Limit Test

The limit test is a function to perform pass/fail judgment based on the limit line you set.

In the limit test, if the upper limit or lower limit indicated by the limit line is not exceeded, the judgment result is pass; if it is exceeded, the judgment result is fail for all measurement points on the trace. Measurement points in a stimulus range with no limit line are judged as pass.

You define the limit line by specifying the stimulus value (Begin Stimulus) and response value (Begin Response) of the begin point, the stimulus value (End Stimulus) and response value (End Response) of the end point. For more information, refer to Defining Limit Line.

When the limit test is on, measurement points that fail are displayed in red on the screen and the measurement’s pass/fail judgment result based on the results of individual measurement points (fail if one or more measurement points on the trace fail) is also displayed. For more information, refer to Displaying Judgment Result of Limit Test.

In addition to viewing the screen, you can check the judgment result of the limit test by the following methods.

   Using the status register.

   24-bit I/O.


Displaying Judgment Result of Limit Test

Measurement points determined as “Fail” will be displayed red on the screen. The determination result of a measurement can be displayed in the following two methods:

   Either “Pass” or “Fail” is displayed in the lower-right part of the measurement window. The result can be seen whenever the limit test is turned on.

    “Fail” can be displayed in the center of the measurement window. You can specify display/hide by following the steps below.

  1. Press Display.

  2. Press Limit Test to display the limit test menu.

  3. Press Fail Sign. Each press toggles between on/off.

Turning On or Off the Beeper in Limit Test

Turn on the warning beeper if you want to sound an alarm when a measurement is determined as “Fail” in the limit test. Refer to the Setting the Beeper (Built-in Speaker) to turn on or off the warning beeper.

Defining Limit Line

You must define the limit lines before you can use the limit test function. The upper and lower limit lines can be retained for each trace, and up to 100 limit lines (segments) can be defined in each limit line.

Defining Segment

Follow the steps below to define the segments.

  1. Create upper and lower values for limit lines in the following format, and then save them in the CSV format (with the *.csv extension).
    x_start, y_start, x_stop, y_stop
    x_start, y_start, x_stop, y_stop
    x_start, y_start, x_stop, y_stop




The starting point for the stimulus value on the limit line


The starting point for the response value on the limit line


The ending point for the stimulus value on the limit line


The ending point for the response value on the limit line


  1. Save the upper limit values together into one file, and the lower limit values into another.

    One line represents one segment. Even when specifying 0 for the stimulus range, you must provide both the start and the stop values.

    For the tester mode during the frequency/power measurement mode, the re­sponse value corresponding to a stimulus value of 0 will be used as the limit value.

  2. Activate the trace to which you want to apply the limit test function.

  3. Press Display > Limit Test to display the Limit Test menu.

  4. Press Import Upper Limit Line.../Import Lower Limit Line... to open the file with the *.csv extension, which contains the predefined upper/lower values.

  5. In order to edit the predefined upper/lower values file and reflect it to the limit test, you must once again open the file by pressing Import Upper Limit Line.../Import Lower Limit Line....

Turning On or Off the Limit Test

You can set the limit test on/off for each trace individually. Follow the steps below to set the limit test to on/off.

Operational Procedure

The following steps describe how to save/call the limit table. Use the external keyboard and mouse for the operations listed below.

  1. Activate the trace to which you want to apply the limit test function.

  2. Press Display > Limit Test to display the Limit Test menu.

  3. Press Limit Test and turn on the Limit Test. You can also display the limit lines on the screen by turning on the Limit Line. In tester mode during the frequency/power measurement, the limit values can be turned on or off with the Limit Line softkey.

Initializing Limit Lines

The following operations initialize the limit lines.

   At power-on

   When presetting

   When Delete Upper Limit Line/Delete Lower Limit Line is pressed in the Limit Test menu