
Other topics about Making Measurement

Scale Type

To make the measurement, the scale of the impedance measurement, |Z| trace should be set to log scale:

To set the scale of the |Z| trace to log scale, perform the following procedure:

  1. Select the trace as an active trace.  

  2. Press Scale in the RESPONSE block on the front panel.

  3. Click Y-Axis.

  4. Click Log.

When the scale of the Y-axis is changed from Linear to Log, the trace parameter display at upper-left of the trace window changes.

The setting of Log and Linear scale is independent, hence:


Top/bottom value has the following limitation:

2 < Top/Bottom < 1024

If one of these values (Top or Bottom) exceeds the limit, the other value changes automatically so that the Top/Bottom value is within the limit.

Auto Scaling

Auto scale sets the appropriate scale for  Y-axis of all the traces. In the case of Log scale, auto scale sets the top and bottom of the waveform within 80% of the full scale.

To set the scale automatically, perform the following procedure:

  1. Press Scale in the RESPONSE block on the front panel.

  2. Click Auto Scale to perform the auto scale function on a specific trace.

  3. OR click Auto Scale All to perform the auto scale function on all traces within a channel.

Manual Scaling

To adjust the scale manually, perform the following procedure:

  1. Press Scale in the RESPONSE block on the front panel.

  2. Click Log  Y-Axis Top/Bottom.

  3. At Log Y-Axis Top/Bottom menu bar, using either the keyboard or ENTRY keys on the front panel, enter the Top value and Bottom value.