Handler Interface

Other topics about Sample Programs


The sample program communicates with an external instrument through the handler I/O port.

This program outputs 5 (sets bit 2 and bit 0 to Low, and the other bits to High) to the port A of the handler I/O port, then waits until the bit 3 of the port C is set to Low.

See Inputting/Outputting Data for this programming.

Program Code

Excel VBA

Sub Handler_Click()

    Dim defrm As Long           'Session to Default Resource Manager.

    Dim vi As Long              'Session to instrument.

    Dim Out_Data As Integer     'Decimal value.

    Dim In_Data As Long

    Dim Bit_stat As Integer

    Dim Flag_bit As Integer

    Dim Out_Data_Bin As String

    Dim Ret As Long             'Return value.

    Dim i As Long

    Dim X As Long

    Const TimeOutTime = 40000    'timeout time.

    Out_Data_Bin = "00000101"      'Store the output data on the port A (binaly).

    Flag_bit = 3                             'Bit location (bit 3).


    Call viOpenDefaultRM(defrm)    'Initializes the VISA system.

    Call viOpen(defrm, "GPIB0::17::INSTR", 0, 0, vi)   'Opens the session to the specified instrument.

    Call viSetAttribute(vi, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, TimeOutTime)   'The state of an attribute for the specified session.


    Call viVPrintf(vi, "*RST" & vbLf, 0)    'Presets the setting state of the ENA-L.

    Call viVPrintf(vi, "*CLS" & vbLf, 0)   'Clears the all status register.


    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":CONT:HAND:C:MODE INP" & vbLf, 0)     'Configures the port C to input port.

    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":CONT:HAND:IND:STAT ON" & vbLf, 0)    'Line enable /INDEX signal.

    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":CONT:HAND:RTR:STAT ON" & vbLf, 0)   'Line enable /READY FOR TRIGGER signal.


    For i = 1 To Len(Out_Data_Bin)    'Convert Out_Dara_Bin to a decimal value.

        If Mid(Out_Data_Bin, Len(Out_Data_Bin) - i + 1, 1) = "1" Then

            X = 2 ^ (i - 1)

            Ret = Ret + X

        End If

    Next i

    Out_Data = Ret       'Sets the decimal value.

    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":CONT:HAND:A " & Ret & vbLf, 0)    'Sets to the port A.


    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":CONT:HAND:C?" & vbLf, 0)   'Outputs data to output port C.

    Call viVScanf(vi, "%t", In_Data)    'Reads data from the port C.


    Call ErrorCheck(vi)      'Checking the error.


    Call viClose(vi)           'Closes the resource manager session.

    Call viClose(defrm)     'Breaks the communication and terminates the VISA system.



End Sub

Sub ErrorCheck(vi As Long)

    Dim err As String * 50, ErrNo As Variant, Response


    Call viVQueryf(vi, ":SYST:ERR?" & vbLf, "%t", err)    'Reads error message.

    ErrNo = Split(err, ",")  'Gets the error code.


    If Val(ErrNo(0)) <> 0 Then

        Response = MsgBox(CStr(ErrNo(1)), vbOKOnly)  'Display the message box.

    End If

End Sub

HT Basic (handler.htb)

10 INTEGER Out_data,In_data,Bit_stat

20 DIM Out_data_bin$[9]

30 !

40 ASSIGN @Agte506x TO 717

50 !

60 Out_data_bin$="00000101"

70 Flag_bit=3

80 !




120 !

130 Out_data=IVAL(Out_data_bin$,2)

140 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CONT:HAND:A ";Out_data

150 !


170 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CONT:HAND:C?"

180 ENTER @Agte506x;In_data

190 Bit_stat=BIT(In_data,Flag_bit)

200 UNTIL Bit_stat=1

210 END