Reading/Writing Error Coefficient

Other topics about Sample Programs


This sample program reads/writes the error coefficient.

This program sets measurement conditions and perform full 2-port calibration, preset the E5061B with the read error coefficient to be written, and then again read the error coefficient.

Sample Program in Excel VBA

Sub Err_Term_Click()

    Dim defrm As Long           'Session to Default Resource Manager

    Dim vi As Long              'Session to instrument

    Dim Ch As String

    Dim CalKit As Integer

    Dim Port(2) As String

    Dim Result As String * 10

    Dim tNop As Long

    Dim Respons As String

    Dim Stimulus As String

    Dim ErrTerm As String


    Const TimeOutTime = 40000   'timeout time.

    Const Cal85032F = 4         'cal kit number


    Ch = Cells(2, 6)            'Select channel

    Port(1) = Cells(4, 6)       'Sets the select port 1.

    Port(2) = Cells(5, 6)       'Sets the select port 2.

    Respons = Cells(6, 6)       'Sets the respons port.

    Stimulus = Cells(7, 6)      'Sets the stimulus port.

    ErrTerm = Cells(8, 6)       'Sets the error term.


    CalKit = Cal85032F          'Set cal kit (85032F)


    Call viOpenDefaultRM(defrm)    'Initializes the VISA system.

    Call viOpen(defrm, "GPIB0::17::INSTR", 0, 0, vi)    'Opens the session to the specified instrument.

    Call viSetAttribute(vi, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, TimeOutTime)      'The state of an attribute for the specified session.


    Call viVPrintf(vi, "*RST" & vbLf, 0)   'Presets the setting state of the ENA.

    Call viVPrintf(vi, "*CLS" & vbLf, 0)   'Clears the all status register.


    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:CKIT " & CalKit & vbLf, 0)  'Select the calibration kit.


    Call Set_sgm_tbl(vi, Ch)     'Configures the segment table.


    Select Case Cells(3, 6)    'Sets the read/write.

        Case "Read"

            Call Cal_Slot(vi, Ch, 2, Port)  'Full 2-Port Calibration.

        Case "Write"

            Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COEF:METH:SOLT2 1,2" & vbLf, 0)   'Sets the calibration type to the full 2-port calibration.

    End Select


    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":SEGM:SWE:POIN?" & vbLf, 0)  'Reads out the total number of the measurement points of all segments.

    Call viVScanf(vi, "%t", Result)


    Call Exec_Error_Term(vi, Ch, Val(Result), ErrTerm, Respons, Stimulus)    'Reads the error coefficient.


    Call viClose(vi)      'Closes the resource manager session.

    Call viClose(defrm)      'Breaks the communication and terminates the VISA system.



End Sub

Sub Exec_Error_Term(vi As Long, Ch As String, Nop As Long, ErrTerm As String, Respons As String, Stimulus As String)


    Dim Error_Term_Data As Variant

    Dim Freq_Data As Variant

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

    Dim SelMode As String

    Dim Result As String * 10000

    Dim RealData As Double

    Dim ImagData As Double

    Dim FreqData As Double


    ReDim Error_Term_Data(Nop * 2) As String        'Defines the stock variables for the error coefficient as needed for NOP.

    ReDim Freq_Data(Nop) As String                  'Defines the stock variables for the frequency values.


    SelMode = Cells(3, 6)   'Reads the read/write mode.


    Select Case SelMode

        Case "Read"                                 'Reads the error coefficient from the ena.

            Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COEF? " & ErrTerm & "," & Respons & "," & Stimulus & vbLf, 0)  'Read the calibration coefficient data.

            Call viVScanf(vi, "%t", Result)

            Error_Term_Data = Split(Result, ",")    'Splits the read data by comma.


            Freq_Data = Make_Freq(vi, Nop)       'Calculates the frequency values.


            For i = 0 To Nop - 1

                RealData = CDbl(Error_Term_Data(i * 2))       'Reads the real data from error coefficient items.

                ImagData = CDbl(Error_Term_Data(i * 2 + 1))  'Reads the imag data from error coefficient items.

                FreqData = CDbl(Freq_Data(i + 1))                 'Reads the frequency values.

                Cells(10 + i, 2) = RealData                             'Displays the real data to the excel sheet.

                Cells(10 + i, 3) = ImagData                             'Displays the imag data to the excel sheet.

                Cells(10 + i, 1) = FreqData                             'Displays the frequency values to the excel sheet.

            Next i


        Case "Write"     'Write the error coefficient to the ena.

            Error_Term_Data = ErrTerm & "," & Respons & "," & Stimulus     'Sets the command parameter.

            For i = 0 To Nop - 1

                RealData = Cells(10 + i, 2)                               'Retrieves the real data from the excel sheet.

                ImagData = Cells(10 + i, 3)                               'Retrieves the imag data from the excel sheet.

                Error_Term_Data = Error_Term_Data & "," & RealData & "," & ImagData         'Sets the command parameter.

            Next i


            Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COEF " & Error_Term_Data & vbLf, 0)    'Write the calibration coefficient data.

            Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COEF:SAVE" & vbLf, 0)          'Calculates the calibration coefficients.


    End Select

End Sub

Function Make_Freq(vi As Long, tPoint As Long) As Variant

    Dim start_freq As Double

    Dim stop_freq As Double

    Dim Nop As Integer

    Dim fStep As Double

    Dim fPoint As Double

    Dim freq_arry() As Variant

    Dim MeasPoint As Integer


    Const SegmentCnt = 2         'number of segment table.


    ReDim freq_arry(tPoint) As Variant


    MeasPoint = 1


    For j = 1 To SegmentCnt

        start_freq = Cells(3 + j - 1, 9)                                        'Sets the start frequency of segment table.

        stop_freq = Cells(3 + j - 1, 10)                                        'Sets the stop frequency of segment table.

        Nop = Cells(3 + j - 1, 13)                                              'Sets the nop of segment table.

        fStep = (stop_freq - start_freq) / (Nop - 1)                            'Calculate the frequency step.


        fPoint = start_freq                                                     'Sets the frequency start point.

        For i = 1 To Nop

            freq_arry(MeasPoint) = fPoint                                       'Sets the frequency value.

            fPoint = fPoint + fStep                                             'Calculate the frequency points.

            MeasPoint = MeasPoint + 1                                           'Add to measurement points.

        Next i

    Next j


    Make_Freq = freq_arry                                                       'Sets the frequency data array.


End Function


Sub Set_sgm_tbl(vi As Long, Ch As String)

    Dim Star1(2) As Double, Stop1(2) As Double, Pow1(2) As Double, If_bw1(2) As Double

    Dim Segm As Integer, Nop1(2) As Integer, Num_of_tr1 As Integer

    Dim i As Integer


    Segm = 2

    Star1(1) = Cells(3, 9)                  'Sets the start frequency of segment 1 table.

    Stop1(1) = Cells(3, 10)                 'Sets the stop frequency of segment 1 table.

    Pow1(1) = Cells(3, 11)                  'Sets the power of segment 1 table.

    If_bw1(1) = Cells(3, 12)                'Sets the ifbw of segment 1 table.

    Nop1(1) = Cells(3, 13)                  'Sets the nop of segment 1 table.

    Star1(2) = Cells(4, 9)                  'Sets the start frequency of segment 2 table.

    Stop1(2) = Cells(4, 10)                 'Sets the stop frequency of segment 2 table.

    Pow1(2) = Cells(4, 11)                  'Sets the power of segment 2 table.

    If_bw1(2) = Cells(4, 12)                'Sets the ifbw of segment 2 table.

    Nop1(2) = Cells(4, 13)                  'Sets the nop of segment 2 table.


    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":SWE:TYPE SEGM" & vbLf, 0)   'Sets sweep type to segment.

    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":SEGM:DATA 5,0,1,1,0,0," & Segm & ",", 0)       'Sets the header of segment table.

    Call viVPrintf(vi, Star1(1) & "," & Stop1(1) & "," & Nop1(1) & "," & If_bw1(1) & "," & Pow1(1) & ",", 0)  'Sets the 1st parameter.

    Call viVPrintf(vi, Star1(2) & "," & Stop1(2) & "," & Nop1(2) & "," & If_bw1(2) & "," & Pow1(2) & vbLf, 0)  'Sets the 2nd parameter.


    Call ErrorCheck(vi)   'Checking the error.


End Sub

Sub Cal_Slot(vi As Long, Ch As String, NumPort As String, Port() As String)

    Dim Dummy

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer


    Select Case NumPort

        Case 1

            Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:SOLT" & NumPort & " " & Port(1) & vbLf, 0)   'Set the 1-port calibration type.

        Case 2

            Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:SOLT" & NumPort & " " & Port(1) & "," & Port(2) & vbLf, 0)  'Set the full 2-port calibration type.

    End Select


    For i = 1 To NumPort

        MsgBox ("Set Open to Port " & Port(i) & ". then click [OK] button")    'Display the message box.

        Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:OPEN " & Port(i) & vbLf, 0)      'Measurement the OPEN calibration.

        Call viVQueryf(vi, "*OPC?" & vbLf, "%t", Dummy)     'Reads the *OPC? result.


        MsgBox ("Set Short to Port " & Port(i) & ". then click [OK] button")  'Display the message box.

        Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:SHORT " & Port(i) & vbLf, 0)  'Measurement the SHORT calibration.

        Call viVQueryf(vi, "*OPC?" & vbLf, "%t", Dummy)  'Reads the *OPC? result.


        MsgBox ("Set Load to Port " & Port(i) & ". then click [OK] button")   'Display the message box.

        Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:LOAD " & Port(i) & vbLf, 0)   'Measurement the LOAD calibration.

        Call viVQueryf(vi, "*OPC?" & vbLf, "%t", Dummy)   'Reads the *OPC? result.

    Next i


    For i = 1 To NumPort - 1

        For j = i + 1 To NumPort

            MsgBox ("Set Thru to Port " & Port(i) & "&" & Port(j) & ". then click [OK] button")  'Display the message box.

            Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:THRU " & Port(i) & "," & Port(j) & vbLf, 0)   'Measurement the THRU calibration.

            Call viVQueryf(vi, "*OPC?" & vbLf, "%t", Dummy)   'Reads the *OPC? result.

            Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:THRU " & Port(j) & "," & Port(i) & vbLf, 0)   'Measurement the THRU calibration.

            Call viVQueryf(vi, "*OPC?" & vbLf, "%t", Dummy)      'Reads the *OPC? result.

        Next j

    Next i


    Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:SAVE" & vbLf, 0)    'Calculating the calibration coefficients.


    Call ErrorCheck(vi)   'Checking the error.


End Sub

Sub ErrorCheck(vi As Long)

    Dim err As String * 50, ErrNo As Variant, Response


    Call viVQueryf(vi, ":SYST:ERR?" & vbLf, "%t", err)   'Reads error message.

    ErrNo = Split(err, ",")      'Gets the error code.


    If Val(ErrNo(0)) <> 0 Then

        Response = MsgBox(CStr(ErrNo(1)), vbOKOnly)    'Display the message box.

    End If

End Sub

Sample Program in HT Basic (ErrTerm.htb)

2000 Main:!   

2010 INTEGER Agte506x,Ii,Nop

2020 INTEGER Respons,Stimulas

2030 INTEGER Port(1:2)

2040 REAL Stok(12,1:5000)

2050 REAL Stok2(12,1:5000)

2060 REAL Stok3(12,1:5000)

2070 DIM Ch$[10],Wk$[128]

2080 !

2090 ! PC's Monitor Clear


2110 GINIT

2130 !

2140 ! Set ENA++'s Addr

2150 Agte506x=717

2160 !

2170 Ch$="1"

2180 !

2190 ! Set ENA++'s I/O Path

2200 ASSIGN @Agte506x TO Agte506x

2210 !

2220 ON TIMEOUT SC(@Agte506x),15 RECOVER Tout

2230 !

2240 ! Set Start Port and End Port

2250 Port(1)=1

2260 Port(2)=2

2270 !

2280 ! Setup Segment Table

2290 CALL Set_sgm_tbl(@Agte506x)

2300 !

2310 ! Select Cal Kit

2320 CALL Select_cal_kit(@Agte506x,Ch$)

2330 !

2340 ! Execute Full-2Port Calibration

2350 CALL Cal_solt(@Agte506x,Ch$,2,Port(*))

2360 !

2370 ! Get All Segment's Points

2380 CALL Get_nop(@Agte506x,Nop,Ch$)

2390 !

2400 REDIM Stok(12,1:Nop*2)

2410 REDIM Stok2(12,1:Nop*2)

2420 REDIM Stok3(12,1:Nop*2)

2430 !

2440 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ES",Ch$,1,Nop,1,1,Stok(*))

2450 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ES",Ch$,2,Nop,2,2,Stok(*))

2460 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ER",Ch$,3,Nop,1,1,Stok(*))

2470 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ER",Ch$,4,Nop,2,2,Stok(*))

2480 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ED",Ch$,5,Nop,1,1,Stok(*))

2490 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ED",Ch$,6,Nop,2,2,Stok(*))

2500 !

2510 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","EL",Ch$,7,Nop,1,2,Stok(*))

2520 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","EL",Ch$,8,Nop,2,1,Stok(*))

2530 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ET",Ch$,9,Nop,1,2,Stok(*))

2540 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ET",Ch$,10,Nop,2,1,Stok(*))

2550 !


2570 PRINT "Push [Preset] - OK of ENA. Then push [Enter] key."

2580 INPUT "",Wk$

2590 !

2600 CALL Set_sgm_tbl(@Agte506x)

2610 !

2620 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COEF:METH:SOLT2 ";Port(1);",";Port(2)

2630 !

2640 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","ES",Ch$,1,Nop,1,1,Stok(*))

2650 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","ES",Ch$,2,Nop,2,2,Stok(*))

2660 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","ER",Ch$,3,Nop,1,1,Stok(*))

2670 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","ER",Ch$,4,Nop,2,2,Stok(*))

2680 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","ED",Ch$,5,Nop,1,1,Stok(*))

2690 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","ED",Ch$,6,Nop,2,2,Stok(*))

2700 !

2710 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","EL",Ch$,7,Nop,1,2,Stok(*))

2720 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","EL",Ch$,8,Nop,2,1,Stok(*))

2730 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","ET",Ch$,9,Nop,1,2,Stok(*))

2740 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"WRITE","ET",Ch$,10,Nop,2,1,Stok(*))

2750 !

2760 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COEF:SAVE"

2770 !

2780 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ES",Ch$,1,Nop,1,1,Stok2(*))

2790 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ES",Ch$,2,Nop,2,2,Stok2(*))

2800 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ER",Ch$,3,Nop,1,1,Stok2(*))

2810 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ER",Ch$,4,Nop,2,2,Stok2(*))

2820 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ED",Ch$,5,Nop,1,1,Stok2(*))

2830 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ED",Ch$,6,Nop,2,2,Stok2(*))

2840 !

2850 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","EL",Ch$,7,Nop,1,2,Stok2(*))

2860 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","EL",Ch$,8,Nop,2,1,Stok2(*))

2870 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ET",Ch$,9,Nop,1,2,Stok2(*))

2880 CALL Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,"READ","ET",Ch$,10,Nop,2,1,Stok2(*))

2890 !

2900 ASSIGN @Agte506x TO *

2910 !

2920 DISP CHR$(139)&" Done ..."&CHR$(136)

2930 STOP

2940 !

2950 Tout: OFF TIMEOUT SC(@Agte506x)

2960 !

2970 ASSIGN @Agte506x TO *

2980 !

2990 PRINT CHR$(137)&" ENA Timeout ..."&CHR$(136)

3000 END


3020 Set_sgm_tbl: SUB Set_sgm_tbl(@Agte506x)

3030 REAL Star1(1:2),Stop1(1:2),Pow1(1:2)

3040 INTEGER Segm,Nop1(1:2),Num_of_tr1


3060 !


3080 DISP CHR$(138)&" Wait ..."&CHR$(136)

3090 !

3100 Segm=2 ! Number of Segment Ch.1 : 2

3110 Star1(1)=3.E+6 ! Start Frequency Ch.1 Segm.1: 3.0 MHz

3120 Star1(2)=5.0E+7 ! Segm.2: 50.0 MHz

3130 Stop1(1)=1.0E+7 ! Stop Frequency Ch.1 Segm.1: 10.0 MHz

3140 Stop1(2)=8.E+9 ! Segm.2: 8.0 GHz

3150 Nop1(1)=2 ! Number Ch.1 Segm.1: 2

3160 Nop1(2)=170 ! of Points Segm.2: 170

3170 If_bw1(1)=7.0E+4 ! IF Bandwidth Ch.1 Segm.1: 70 kHz

3180 If_bw1(2)=7.0E+4 ! Segm.2: 70 kHz

3190 Pow1(1)=0 ! Power Ch.1 Segm.1: 0 dBm

3200 Pow1(2)=0 ! Segm.2: 0 dBm

3210 !

3220 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SYST:PRES"

3230 !

3240 WAIT 5

3250 !

3260 ! Channel 1

3270 !

3280 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS1:SWE:TYPE SEGM"

3290 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS1:SEGM:DATA 5,0,1,1,0,0,";Segm;",";

3300 FOR I=1 TO Segm-1

3310 OUTPUT @Agte506x;Star1(I);",";Stop1(I);",";Nop1(I);",";If_bw1(I);",";Pow1(I);",";

3320 NEXT I

3330 OUTPUT @Agte506x;Star1(Segm);",";Stop1(Segm);",";Nop1(Segm);",";If_bw1(Segm);",";Pow1(Segm)

3340 !

3350 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:PAR:COUN ";Num_of_tr1

3360 FOR I=1 TO Num_of_tr1

3370 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:PAR"&VAL$(I)&":SEL"

3380 NEXT I



3410 Select_cal_kit: SUB Select_cal_kit(@Agte506x,Ch$)

3420 !=============================================

3430 ! Calibration Kit Selection Function

3440 !=============================================

3450 !

3460 DIM Cal_kit_lbl$(1:10)[20],Inp_char$[9]

3470 DIM Msg$[80],Wk$[10]

3480 INTEGER Cal_kit,I,Noc

3490 !

3500 ! PC's Monitor Clear


3520 !

3530 ! Number of Cal Kid

3540 Noc=10

3550 !

3560 FOR I=1 TO Noc

3570 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS1:CORR:COLL:CKIT ";I


3590 ENTER @Agte506x;Cal_kit_lbl$(I)

3600 NEXT I

3610 ON ERROR GOTO Kit_select

3620 !

3630 PRINT "## Calibration Kit Selection ##"

3640 FOR I=1 TO Noc

3650 PRINT USING "X,2D,A,X,20A";I,":",Cal_kit_lbl$(I)

3660 NEXT I

3670 PRINT ""

3680 PRINT "Input 1 to "&VAL$(Noc)

3690 !

3700 Msg$="Input number? (1 to "&VAL$(Noc)&") "

3710 LOOP

3720 LOOP

3730 DISP Msg$;

3740 INPUT Inp_char$

3750 Cal_kit=IVAL(Inp_char$,10)

3760 EXIT IF 1<=Cal_kit AND Cal_kit<=Noc

3770 Kit_select:!

3780 BEEP


3800 !

3810 Wk$=""

3820 PRINT TABXY(1,Cal_kit+1);

3830 PRINT USING "X,B,2D,A,X,20A,B";139,Cal_kit,":",Cal_kit_lbl$(Cal_kit),136

3840 INPUT "Sure ? [Y/N]",Wk$

3850 EXIT IF (UPC$(Wk$)="Y")

3860 PRINT TABXY(1,Cal_kit+1);

3870 PRINT USING "X,2D,A,X,20A";Cal_kit,":",Cal_kit_lbl$(Cal_kit)

3880 BEEP

3890 BEEP



3920 !

3930 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COLL:CKIT ";Cal_kit



3960 Cal_solt: SUB Cal_solt(@Agte506x,Ch$,INTEGER Num_of_ports,INTEGER Port(*))

3970 !=============================================

3980 ! Full n Port Calibration Function

3990 !=============================================

4000 !

4010 DIM Buff$[9]


4030 !

4040 ! PC's Monitor Clear


4060 !

4070 PRINT "## Full "&VAL$(Num_of_ports)&" Port Calibration ##"

4080 !

4090 ! Calibration Type Selection

4100 !

4110 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COLL:METH:SOLT"&VAL$(Num_of_ports)&" ";

4120 FOR I=1 TO Num_of_ports-1

4130 OUTPUT @Agte506x;Port(I);",";

4140 NEXT I

4150 OUTPUT @Agte506x;Port(Num_of_ports)

4160 !

4170 ! Reflection Measurement

4180 !

4190 FOR I=1 TO Num_of_ports

4200 PRINT "Set OPEN to Port "&VAL$(Port(I))&". Then push [Enter] key."

4210 INPUT "",Buff$

4220 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COLL:OPEN ";Port(I)

4230 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*OPC?"

4240 ENTER @Agte506x;Buff$

4250 PRINT "Set SHORT to Port "&VAL$(Port(I))&". Then push [Enter] key."

4260 INPUT "",Buff$

4270 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COLL:SHOR ";Port(I)

4280 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*OPC?"

4290 ENTER @Agte506x;Buff$

4300 PRINT "Set LOAD to Port "&VAL$(Port(I))&". Then push [Enter] key."

4310 INPUT "",Buff$

4320 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COLL:LOAD ";Port(I)

4330 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*OPC?"

4340 ENTER @Agte506x;Buff$

4350 NEXT I

4360 !

4370 ! Transmission Measurement

4380 !

4390 FOR I=1 TO Num_of_ports-1

4400 FOR J=I+1 TO Num_of_ports

4410 PRINT "Set THRU between Port "&VAL$(Port(I))&" and Port "&VAL$(Port(J))&". Then push [Enter] key."

4420 INPUT "",Buff$

4430 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COLL:THRU ";Port(I);",";Port(J)

4440 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*OPC?"

4450 ENTER @Agte506x;Buff$

4460 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COLL:THRU ";Port(J);",";Port(I)

4470 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*OPC?"

4480 ENTER @Agte506x;Buff$

4490 NEXT J

4500 NEXT I

4510 !

4520 ! Done

4530 !

4540 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COLL:SAVE"

4550 PRINT "Done"



4580 Get_nop: SUB Get_nop(@Agte506x,INTEGER Nop,Ch$)

4590 ! Get All Segment's Points

4600 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":SEGM:SWE:POIN?"

4610 ENTER @Agte506x;Nop


4630 Exec_error_term: SUB Exec_error_term(@Agte506x,Rw$,Id$,Ch$,INTEGER Idx,Nop,Respons,Stimulas,REAL Stok(*))


4650 REAL Error_term_data(1:5000)

4660 !

4670 DISP CHR$(138)&" Wait ..."&CHR$(136)

4680 !

4690 REDIM Error_term_data(1:Nop*2)

4700 !

4710 SELECT Rw$


4730 FOR Ii=1 TO Nop

4740 Error_term_data(2*Ii-1)=Stok(Idx,2*Ii-1)

4750 Error_term_data(2*Ii)=Stok(Idx,2*Ii)

4760 NEXT Ii

4770 !

4780 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COEF "&Id$&",";Respons;",";Stimulas;",";Error_term_data(*)

4790 !

4800 CASE "READ"

4810 FOR Ii=1 TO Nop

4820 Error_term_data(2*Ii-1)=-999

4830 Error_term_data(2*Ii)=-999

4840 NEXT Ii

4850 !

4860 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS"&Ch$&":CORR:COEF? "&Id$&",";Respons;",";Stimulas

4870 ENTER @Agte506x;Error_term_data(*)

4880 !

4890 CALL Data_plot(Id$,Respons,Stimulas,Nop,Error_term_data(*))

4900 !

4910 FOR Ii=1 TO Nop

4920 Stok(Idx,2*Ii-1)=Error_term_data(2*Ii-1)

4930 Stok(Idx,2*Ii)=Error_term_data(2*Ii)

4940 NEXT Ii

4950 !




4990 Data_plot: SUB Data_plot(Error_term$,INTEGER Respons,Stimulas,Nop,REAL Error_term_data(*))

5000 INTEGER Ii,Pen(1:2)

5010 REAL Y_minmax(1:2)

5020 DIM Wk$[20]

5030 !


5050 GINIT


5070 !

5080 Pen(1)=3

5090 Pen(2)=4

5100 !

5110 ! Get Min Value and Max Value from all data

5120 Y_minmax(1)=MIN(Error_term_data(*))

5130 Y_minmax(2)=MAX(Error_term_data(*))

5150 !

5160 IF (Y_minmax(1)=Y_minmax(2)) AND (Y_minmax(1)=0) THEN

5170 Y_minmax(1)=1

5180 Y_minmax(2)=-1

5190 ELSE

5200 IF (Y_minmax(1)=Y_minmax(2)) THEN

5210 Y_minmax(1)=Y_minmax(1)*.5

5220 Y_minmax(2)=Y_minmax(2)*1.5

5230 END IF

5240 END IF

5250 !

5260 VIEWPORT 25*RATIO,80*RATIO,40,90

5270 WINDOW 1,Nop,Y_minmax(1),Y_minmax(2)

5280 FRAME

5290 !

5300 VIEWPORT 80*RATIO,100*RATIO,40,90

5310 WINDOW 0,2,0,2

5320 PEN Pen(1)

5330 CSIZE 2.5

5340 LORG 2

5350 MOVE .2,1.5

5360 DRAW .4,1.5

5370 MOVE .5,1.5

5380 PEN 1

5390 LABEL ":Real Value"

5400 !

5410 PEN Pen(2)

5420 MOVE .2,1

5430 DRAW .4,1

5440 MOVE .5,1

5450 PEN 1

5460 LABEL ":Image Value"

5470 !

5480 VIEWPORT 25*RATIO,80*RATIO,90,100

5490 WINDOW 0,2,0,2

5500 CSIZE 3

5510 LORG 5

5520 MOVE 1,1.2

5530 LABEL "Error Term:"&Error_term$

5540 !

5550 MOVE 1,.5

5560 LABEL "Respons Port:"&VAL$(Respons)&" Stimulas Port:"&VAL$(Stimulas)

5570 !

5580 VIEWPORT 0,25*RATIO,40,90

5590 WINDOW 0,2,0,2

5600 CLIP -10,10,-10,10

5610 LORG 8

5620 CSIZE 3

5630 !

5640 MOVE 1.9,0

5650 LABEL VAL$(Y_minmax(1))

5660 MOVE 1.9,2

5670 LABEL VAL$(Y_minmax(2))

5680 !

5690 VIEWPORT 25*RATIO,80*RATIO,30,40

5700 WINDOW 0,2,0,2

5710 CLIP -10,10,-10,10

5720 LORG 5

5730 MOVE 0,1.5

5740 LABEL VAL$(1)

5750 MOVE 2,1.5

5760 LABEL VAL$(Nop)

5770 !

5780 VIEWPORT 25*RATIO,80*RATIO,40,90

5790 WINDOW 1,Nop,Y_minmax(1),Y_minmax(2)

5800 FOR Ii=2 TO Nop

5820 PEN Pen(1)

5830 MOVE Ii-1,Error_term_data(2*(Ii-1)-1)

5840 DRAW Ii,Error_term_data(2*Ii-1)

5860 !

5870 PEN Pen(2)

5880 MOVE Ii-1,Error_term_data(2*(Ii-1))

5890 DRAW Ii,Error_term_data(2*Ii)

5900 NEXT Ii

5910 !

5920 PEN 1

5930 BEEP

5940 INPUT "Cont:push [Enter] key",Wk$

