Transferring Files

Other topics about Sample Programs


This  sample program demonstrates hw to transfer files between the external controller and the E5061B.

This program reads out data from a specified file on the external controller (or the E5061B), then writes them to a specified file on the E5061B (or the external controller).

See Managing Files for this programming.

Sample Program in Excel VBA using VISA

Example of excel sheet and window form with transferring files program


Private Sub fromE5061B_toPC_Click()

    '*** This sequence is a sample code in which the file is transferred

    '*** from the E5061B to the external controller.

    Dim defrm As Long

    Dim Age506x As Long

    Dim Res As Variant


    '*** The maximum size of transferring file is 5000000 byte.

    Dim byteData(5000000) As Byte

    Dim PtrData(1) As Long

    Dim RetCnt As Long

    Dim workData() As Byte

    Dim hFile As Long

    Dim isOpen As Boolean


    Dim E5061B_File As String

    Dim PC_File As String


    PtrData(0) = VarPtr(RetCnt)

    PtrData(1) = VarPtr(byteData(0))

    RetCnt = UBound(byteData) - LBound(byteData) + 1


    E5061B_File = """" & Trim(TextBox2.Text) & """"

    PC_File = TextBox1.Text


    Call viOpenDefaultRM(defrm)

    Call viOpen(defrm, "GPIB0::17::INSTR", 0, 0, Age506x)

    Call viSetAttribute(Age506x, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 10000)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":MMEM:TRAN? " + E5061B_File + vbLf, 0)


    Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%#b", PtrData(0))


    ReDim workData(RetCnt - 1)


    For i = 0 To RetCnt - 2

      workData(i) = byteData(i)

    Next i


    hFile = FreeFile()

    Open PC_File For Binary Access Write Shared As hFile

    isOpen = True


    Put #hFile, , workData

    If isOpen Then Close #hFile


    Call viClose(Age506x)

End Sub


Private Sub fromPC_toE5061B_Click()

    '*** This sequence is a sample code in which the file is transferred

    '*** from the external controller to the E5061B.

    Dim hFile As Long

    Dim isOpen As Boolean

    Dim byteData() As Byte

    Dim strBuf As String

    Dim fileSize As Long

    Dim PtrData As Long


    Dim defrm As Long

    Dim Age506x As Long


    Dim E5061B_File As String

    Dim PC_File As String


    E5061B_File = """" & Trim(TextBox2.Text) & """"

    PC_File = TextBox1.Text


    fileSize = FileLen(PC_File)

    ReDim byteData(fileSize - 1)

    PtrData = VarPtr(byteData(0))

    hFile = FreeFile()

    Open PC_File For Binary Access Read Shared As hFile

    isOpen = True


    Get #hFile, , byteData

    If isOpen Then Close #hFile

    Call viOpenDefaultRM(defrm)

    Call viOpen(defrm, "GPIB0::17::INSTR", 0, 0, Age506x)

    Call viSetAttribute(Age506x, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 10000)

    strBuf = ":MMEM:TRAN " & E5061B_File & "," & "%#" & CLng(fileSize - 1) & "b" & vbLf

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, strBuf, PtrData)


    Call viClose(Age506x)

End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

  TextBox1.Text = "C:\\temp\temp.png"

  TextBox2.Text = "D:\temp.png"

End Sub


Private Sub EndBtn_Click()


End Sub


Sample Program in Excel VBA using VISA-COM

Private Sub fromE5061B_toPC_Click()

    '*** This sequence is a sample code in which the file is transferred

    '*** from the E5061B to the external controller.

    Dim hFile As Long

    Dim isOpen As Boolean

    Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager

    Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager


    Dim Age506x As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488

    Set Age506x = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488


    Set Age506x.IO = ioMgr.Open("GPIB0::17::INSTR")

    Age506x.IO.Timeout = 10000


    Dim byteData() As Byte

    Dim E5061B_File As String

    Dim PC_File As String


    E5061B_File = """" & Trim(TextBox2.Text) & """"

    PC_File = Trim(TextBox1.Text)


    Age506x.WriteString ":MMEM:TRAN? " & E5061B_File

    byteData = Age506x.ReadIEEEBlock(BinaryType_UI1)


    hFile = FreeFile()

    Open PC_File For Binary Access Write Shared As hFile

    isOpen = True


    Put #hFile, , byteData

    If isOpen Then Close #hFile


End Sub


Private Sub fromPC_toE5061B_Click()

    '*** This sequence is a sample code in which the file is transferred

    '*** from the external controller to the E5061B.

    Dim hFile As Long

    Dim isOpen As Boolean

    Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager

    Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager


    Dim Age506x As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488

    Set Age506x = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488


    Set Age506x.IO = ioMgr.Open("GPIB0::17::INSTR")

    Age506x.IO.Timeout = 10000


    Dim byteData() As Byte

    Dim strBuf As String

    Dim fileSize As Long

    Dim E5061B_File As String

    Dim PC_File As String


    E5061B_File = """" & Trim(TextBox2.Text) & """"

    PC_File = Trim(TextBox1.Text)


    fileSize = FileLen(PC_File)

    ReDim byteData(fileSize - 1)

    hFile = FreeFile()

    Open PC_File For Binary Access Read Shared As hFile

    isOpen = True


    Get #hFile, , byteData

    If isOpen Then Close #hFile

    strBuf = ":MMEM:TRAN " & E5061B_File & ","

    Age506x.WriteIEEEBlock strBuf, byteData, True



End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

  TextBox1.Text = "C:\\temp\temp.png"

  TextBox2.Text = "D:\temp.png"

End Sub


Private Sub EndBtn_Click()


End Sub


Sample Program in HT Basic (file_xfr.htb)

10 DIM Src_file$[50],Dst_file$[50],Src_size_char$[50],Inp_char$[30]

20 INTEGER Direction

30 ASSIGN @Agte506x TO 717

40 !


60 ON ERROR GOTO Direct_select

70 Direct_select: !

80 PRINT "#### File Transfer ####"

90 PRINT " 1: E506x -> Controller"

100 PRINT " 2: Controller -> E506x"

110 PRINT ""

120 PRINT "Input 1 or 2"

130 INPUT "Number?",Inp_char$

140 Direction=IVAL(Inp_char$,10)

150 IF Direction<1 OR Direction>2 THEN Direct_select


170 !

180 PRINT ""

190 PRINT " Input source file name. ";

200 INPUT "Name?",Src_file$

210 PRINT ": "&Src_file$

220 !

230 IF Direction=2 THEN

240 PRINT " Input source file size. ";

250 INPUT "Size[Byte]?",Src_size_char$

260 PRINT ": "&Src_size_char$&"[Byte]"

270 END IF

280 !

290 PRINT " Input destination file name. ";

300 INPUT "Name?",Dst_file$

310 PRINT ": "&Dst_file$

320 PRINT ""

330 !

340 IF Direction=1 THEN

350 Copy_to_contr(@Agte506x,Src_file$,Dst_file$)

360 ELSE

370 Copy_to_e506x(@Agte506x,Src_file$,Src_size_char$,Dst_file$)

380 END IF

390 !

400 END

410 !=============================================

420 ! File Transfer Function (E506x -> Controller)

430 !=============================================

440 SUB Copy_to_contr(@Agte506x,Src_file$,Dst_file$)

450 DIM Img$[32],Src_size_char$[10],Buff$[9],Err_msg$[100]

460 INTEGER Max_bsize,Block_size,Err_no

470 REAL Src_size

480 !

490 ON ERROR GOTO Skip_purge

500 PURGE Dst_file$

510 Skip_purge: OFF ERROR

520 CREATE Dst_file$,1

530 ASSIGN @Dst_file TO Dst_file$

540 Max_bsize=24576 ! 24KByte

550 !

560 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*ESE 60"

570 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*SRE 32"

580 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*CLS"

590 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*OPC?"

600 ENTER @Agte506x;Buff$

610 !

620 ON INTR 7 GOTO Err


640 PRINT "Now Copying: "&Src_file$&"(@E506x) -> "&Dst_file$&"(@Contro ller)"

650 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":MMEM:TRAN? """&Src_file$&""""

660 WAIT .1

670 ENTER @Agte506x USING "#,A";Buff$

680 ENTER @Agte506x USING "#,A";Digit$

690 Img$="#,"&Digit$&"A"

700 ENTER @Agte506x USING Img$;Src_size_char$

710 !

720 Src_size=VAL(Src_size_char$)

730 WHILE Src_size>0

740 IF Src_size>Max_bsize THEN

750 Block_size=Max_bsize

760 ELSE

770 Block_size=Src_size

780 END IF

790 !

800 ALLOCATE Dat$[Block_size]

810 Img$="#,"&VAL$(Block_size)&"A"

820 ENTER @Agte506x USING Img$;Dat$

830 OUTPUT @Dst_file USING Img$;Dat$


850 !

860 Src_size=Src_size-Block_size


880 !

890 PRINT "Done"

900 ENTER @Agte506x USING "#,A";Buff$

910 ASSIGN @Dst_file TO *

920 !

930 GOTO Skip_error

940 Err: OFF INTR 7

950 OUTPUT @Agte506x;";:SYST:ERR?"

960 ENTER @Agte506x;Err_no,Err_msg$

970 PRINT "Error occurred!!"

980 PRINT " No:";Err_no,"Description: "&Err_msg$

990 Skip_error: OFF INTR 7


1010 !=============================================

1020 ! File Transfer Function (Controller -> E506x)

1030 !=============================================

1040 SUB Copy_to_e506x(@Agte506x,Src_file$,Src_size_char$,Dst_file$)

1050 DIM Img$[32],Header$[10],Buff$[9],Err_msg$[100]

1060 INTEGER Max_bsize,Block_size,Err_no

1070 REAL Src_size

1080 !

1090 ON ERROR GOTO File_error

1100 ASSIGN @Src_file TO Src_file$


1120 Max_bsize=24576 ! 24KByte

1130 !

1140 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*CLS"

1150 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*OPC?"

1160 ENTER @Agte506x;Buff$

1170 !

1180 PRINT "Now Copying: "&Src_file$&"(@Controller) -> "&Dst_file$&"(@ E506x)"

1190 Header$="#"&VAL$(LEN(Src_size_char$))&Src_size_char$

1200 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":MMEM:TRAN """&Dst_file$&""","&Header$;

1210 !

1220 Src_size=VAL(Src_size_char$)

1230 WHILE Src_size>0

1240 IF Src_size>Max_bsize THEN

1250 Block_size=Max_bsize

1260 ELSE

1270 Block_size=Src_size

1280 END IF

1290 !

1300 ALLOCATE Dat$[Block_size]

1310 Img$="#,"&VAL$(Block_size)&"A"

1320 ENTER @Src_file USING Img$;Dat$

1330 OUTPUT @Agte506x USING Img$;Dat$


1350 !

1360 Src_size=Src_size-Block_size


1380 !

1390 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"",END

1400 ASSIGN @Src_file TO *

1410 !

1420 OUTPUT @Agte506x;";:SYST:ERR?"

1430 ENTER @Agte506x;Err_no,Err_msg$

1440 IF Err_no=0 THEN

1450 PRINT "Done"

1460 ELSE

1470 PRINT "Error occurred!!"

1480 PRINT " No:";Err_no,"Description: "&Err_msg$

1490 END IF

1500 GOTO Skip_error

1510 File_error:OFF ERROR

1520 PRINT "File name NOT found!"

1530 Skip_error:!



Line 40

Assigns a GPIB address to the I/O pass.

Lines 60 to 130

These line allow the user to return to the entry start line and re-enter the data if an error (such as an invalid entry) occurs while entering the number that indicates the transfer direction. Then, these line display the list of transfer directions and prompt the user to input a selected number.

Lines 80 to 130

These lines display the list of transfer directions, and prompt the user to choose one of the items by typing in the appropriate number.

Lines 140 to 150

Converts the entered value into an integer and stores it into the Direction variable. Returns to the entry start line if an invalid value is contained in Direction.

Lines 180 to 210

These lines obtain the name of the source file for copying from the user input, store it into the Src_file$ variable, and display the value of Src_file$.

Lines 180 to 210

These lines obtain the name of the source file for copying from the user input, store it into the Src_file$ variable, and display the value of Src_file$.

Lines 230 to 270

If Direction is equal to 2 (from the external controller to the E5061B), these lines obtain the size of the source file for copying, store it into the Src_size_char$, and display the value of Src_size_char$.

Lines 290 to 320

These lines obtain the name of the destination file for copying from the user input, store it into the Dst_file$ variable, and display the value of Dst_file$.

Line 350

If Direction is equal to 1 (from the E5061B to the external controller), these lines use the subprogram Copy_to_contr to transfer (copy) a file with the name Src_file$ on the E5061B to a file with the name Dst_file$ on the external controller.

Line 370

If Direction is equal to 2, these lines use the subprogram Copy_to_e506x to transfer (copy) a file with the name Src_file$ on the external controller to a file with the name Dst_file$ on the E5061B.

Copy_to_contr, a subprogram for transferring files from the E5061B to the external controller that appears in lines 440 to 1000, is described below.

Lines 490 to 520

If any file with the name File$ already exists, these lines delete the file and create a new file with the name File$.

Line 530

Assigns a destination file for copying to the I/O pass.

Line 540

This line stores a maximum number of transferred data (in bytes) per one transfer, that is 24 KByte to meet the size limitation of string arrays in the HTBasic, into Max_bsize variable.

Lines 560 to 600

These lines configure the system to generate an SRQ when it cannot find a source file for copying due to an error.

Lines 620 to 630

These lines set the branch target for an SRQ interrupt to enable SRQ interrupts.

Lines 640 to 650

These lines display a message showing that the transfer has started, and execute commands for reading data from a file on the E5061B.

Lines 670 to 680

These lines read the header symbol (#) in a block data, read number of digits (characters) indicating the size of data in bytes, then store it into Digit$ variable.

Line 690

This line creates a format for reading characters in Digit$.

Line 700

This line reads the data size in byte and stores it into Src_size_char$ variable.

Line 720

This line converts Src_size_char$ to a real number and stores it into Src_size variable.

Lines 730 to 870

These lines repeat the procedures below until Src_size reaches 0.

Lines 740 to 780: If Src_size is greater than Max_bsize, these lines assign the value of the Max_bsize to Block_size variable (transferred data in bytes). If Src_size is equal or less than Max_bsize, assign the value of Src_size to Block_size.

Line 800 This line defines Dat$ string variable with the size as large as Block_size and reserves memory area.

Line 810 This line creates a format for reading characters as many as Block_size characters.

Line 820 This line reads data from the file on the E5061B, then stores them into Dat$.

Line 830 This line writes the contents of Dat$ to the file on the external controller.

Lines 840 to 860 These lines free the memory area for Dat$ and subtract Block_size from Src_size.

Lines 890 to 900

These lines display a message showing the completion of transfer, then read a message terminator at the end of the data.

Lines 940 to 980

These lines define an error handler that retrieves and displays the number and message of an error that has occurred.

Copy_to_e506x, a subprogram for transferring files from the external controller to the E5061B that appears in lines 1040 to 1540, is described below.

Lines 1090 to 1110

Assigns a destination file for copying to the I/O pass.

Line 1120

This line stores a maximum number of transferred data (in bytes) per one transfer, that is 24 KByte, into Max_bsize variable.

Lines 1140 to 1160

Clears the error queue.

Line 1180

Displays a measurement start message.

Lines 1190 to 1200

These lines create the header part indicating that data will be sent as many as Src_size_char$ bytes, then send the header part of the command and its parameters for writing the data to the file on the E5061B.

Line 1220

This line converts Src_size_char$ to a real number and stores it into Src_size variable.

Lines 1230 to 1370

These lines repeat the procedures below until Src_size reaches 0.

Lines 1240 to 1280: If Src_size is greater than Max_bsize, these lines assign the value of the Max_bsiize to Block_size variable (transferred data in bytes). If Src_size is equal or less than Max_bsize, assign the value of Src_size to Block_size.

Line 1300 This line defines Dat$ string variable with the size as large as Block_size and reserves memory area.

Line 1310 This line creates a format for reading characters as many as Block_size characters.

Line 1320 This line reads data from the file on the external controller, then stores them into Dat$.

Line 1330 This line writes the contents of Dat$ to the file on the E5061B.

Lines 1340 to 1360 These lines free the memory area for Dat$ and subtract Block_size from Src_size.

Line 1390

This line sends a message terminator at the end of data.

Lines 1420 to 1430

These lines retrieve the error number and error message from the error queue, and then store them into the variables Err_no and Err_msg$, respectively.

Lines 1440 to 1490

If Err_no is equal to 0 (no error occurred), these lines display the message indicating completion of transfer, and if Err_no is not equal to 0 (an error occurred), display Err_no along with Err_msg$.

Lines 1510 to 1520

These lines handle the case with no source file for copying is found.