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VBA Online Help provides useful topics, such as the VBA terminology or how to use a particular feature. In VBA Online Help, you can find a topic of interest through the Contents or by entering specific keywords.
From Visual Basic Editor, do one of the following to access the VBA Online Help screen.
On the Help menu, click Microsoft Visual Basic Help.
Press F1 key on the keyboard.
On the toolbar, click "VBA Help" icon.
VBA Online Help screen
Clicking the Contents tab in the VBA Online Help screen brings up the items listed below. The E5061B VBA Online Help has a hierarchical table of contents. Click an item to expand it, and then find a topic of interest.
Visual Basic User Interface Help
Visual Basic Conceptual Topics
Visual Basic How-To Topics
Visual Basic Language Reference
Visual Basic Add-In Model
Microsoft Forms Reference
When you need information on using Visual Basic Editor, use User Interface Help and How-To Topics as primary sources of information. Format of VBA program is covered in Visual Basic Conceptual Topics. Properties and methods supported by VBA are covered in Visual Basic Language Reference and Visual Basic Add-In Model. Information on using user forms is covered in Microsoft Forms Reference.
In the VBA Online Help screen, click the Index tab, and enter a keyword(s) into the text box. For example, you may wish to search for "Sub" or "With" when you are writing your own code.
When you want to know the usage or meaning of a keyword in a sample program or some other code, you can quickly access the help topic on that keyword by moving the cursor to the keyword and pressing F1 key.